That's really cool!
Thanks for letting us know.

Would it be possible to pre-populate template mapping page on the wiki when
hitting "create" with a skeleton containing current template properties?
That would ease a bit the mapping effort IMHO.
What do you think?


2013/6/13 Christian Bizer <>

> Dear all,
> I want to share the good news that Christopher Sahnwaldt is starting to
> work on the DBpedia Release 3.9.
> As with the previous releases, it is planned that Christopher runs all
> extractors for all languages. The resulting dumps will be provided for
> download via the DBpedia download page
> ( and will be loaded into the public
> DBpedia SPARQL endpoint. We hope to be able to publish the new release
> end of July or early August.
> As a lot of additional infobox-to-ontology mappings for various
> languages have already been entered by the mapping editors community
> into the DBpedia Mapping Wiki
> ( since the last DBpedia
> release, we hope to be able to provide clean data for even more
> infoboxes in even more languages with the new release.
> With this email, I would also like to ask all members of the mapping
> editors community for their help with the upcoming DBpedia 3.9 release
> in the form of a Mapping Spring:
> 1. Could you please check whether the mappings that you have entered
> into the wiki over the last year still work correctly?
> 2. If you still want to refine and extend mappings, now would be the
> perfect time to do so.
> 3. In order to help increasing the infobox coverage of the new release,
> it would also be great if you map additional templates or additional
> properties of existing templates to the ontology.
> For helping you see which widely used templates still require additional
> property mappings, Christopher has updated the Mapping Wiki statistics
> for all languages:
> For the English Wikipedia edition, we can see for instance at
> that we can still get much better with infoboxes like "Infobox ship
> characteristics" or "Infobox football club" or "Chembox" amongst a lot
> of others :-)
> The statistics for German, Spanish and French are found below and also
> still show lots of gaps for these important languages:
> Christopher will use all mappings that are entered into the Mapping Wiki
> until June 30th for the new release.
> It would thus be great if as many editors as possible participate in the
> mapping sprint and we as a community try to increase the mapping
> coverage as far as possible until this date.
> Lots of thanks already in advance to all mapping editors who
> participate. Let's try to make the DBpedia 3.9 Release even better than
> the 3.8 Release!
> Cheers,
> Chris
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