
I looked up Uris using the Dbpedia Lookup Service like this:

query2 = "Agatha Christie"
HttpMethod method = new GetMethod("
http://lookup.dbpedia.org/api/search.asmx/KeywordSearch?"; +
"MaxHits=50&QueryString=" + query2);

Two of the Uris I got were: *
* and *

Watching both on the browser, we can see that the second: *
found as a link on the first:

I want to add the property OWL:SAMEAS to my author resources, having those
URIs as the objects of the triples, but is that correct to have the
following triple?*

*author URI -> OWL:SAMEAS -> **

That way, for me I'm connecting the author to something that has nothing to
do with him, something too generic. Would it be better to connect to the
more specific version only? Like this:
*author URI -> OWL:SAMEAS -> *

*1-* Is there any way to filter the results, in order to get more specific
URIs? *
2-* Another problem are the duplicates, Is there any way to avoid having
the same URI being returned twice? *
3- *Why when I specify the *QueryClass* to *Person *I get only this two
*http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:Fictional_criminologists* and *
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:1976_deaths*   ?

Thank you in advance!

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