he first RDFEasy product is ready.

RDFEasy BaseKB Gold Compact Edition is a SPARQL database based on the
Compact Edition of :BaseKB


which is a good set of facts to work from if you are interested in
Freebase.  You can experience it in the most popular cloud environment
by going to


and making a single click.  Once the instance is provisioned you can
follow the instructions here to log in and start making queries


Hardware and software inclusive,  this product costs 0.45 cents an
hour with the default configuration,  which can host the data set on
an internal SSD and handle the bruising query workloads associated
with knowledge base development.  Thus,  anyone who wants to try
powerful SPARQL 1.1 queries with Virtuoso 7 against Freebase data can
get started with very little time and money.

Some of you will want the "whole enchalada" and that is in the
pipeline too,  a complete copy of :BaseKB including text descriptions
and notability information.

Paul Houle
Expert on Freebase, DBpedia, Hadoop and RDF
(607) 539 6254    paul.houle on Skype   ontolo...@gmail.com

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