Dear All,

Just to let you all know that the mapping sprint is over, and the data extraction for the new DBpedia release will start this week.

Thanks a lot for you contributions to the mappings and the ontology!


Volha Bryl, Daniel Fleischhacker, Christian Bizer

On 5/26/2014 10:14 AM, Volha Bryl wrote:
Dear DBpedians,

we are happy to announce that Volha Bryl and Daniel Fleischhacker from the University of Mannheim are starting to work on the DBpedia Release 3.10.

As with the previous releases, it is planned that all extractors for all languages will be run. The resulting dumps will be provided for download via the DBpedia download page (as it is for and will be loaded into the public DBpedia SPARQL endpoint. We hope to be able to publish the new release at the beginning of August.

As a lot of additional infobox-to-ontology mappings for various languages have already been entered by the mapping editors community into the DBpedia Mapping Wiki ( <>) since the last DBpedia release, we hope to be able to provide clean data for even more infoboxes in even more languages with the new release.

With this email, we would also like to ask all members of the mapping editors community for their help with the upcoming DBpedia 3.10 release in the form of a *Mapping Sprint*:

1. Could you please check whether the mappings that you have entered into the wiki over the last year still work correctly? 2. If you still want to refine and extend mappings and/or the ontology, now would be the perfect time to do so. 3. In order to help increasing the infobox coverage of the new release, it would also be great if you map additional templates or additional properties of existing templates to the ontology.

For helping you see which widely used templates still require additional property mappings, we have updated the Mapping Wiki statistics for all languages:

Further functionality for testing and exploring the current mappings is available at:


For the English Wikipedia edition, you can see for instance at

that there is still room for improving the mappings.

The statistics for German, Spanish and French are found below and also still show lots of gaps for these important languages:

You also have a possibility to see the list of errors for the current mappings, for instance for French you can validate either a specific mapping or all mappings at once*- error list for all French mappings

If you want to to refine and extend the ontology, note that you can add links between the DBpedia ontology and other schemata/ontologies, e.g. to or Wikidata as in the example below

Also note that the mapping wiki now supports RDF1.1, see the related call for contributions from Dimitris earlier on the list

We will use all mappings that are entered into the Mapping Wiki until *June 30th*for the upcoming DBpedia 3.10 release.

It would thus be great if as many editors as possible participate in the mapping sprint and we as a community try to increase the mapping coverage as far as possible until this date.

Lots of thanks already in advance to all mapping editors who participate. Let's try to make the DBpedia 3.10 Release even better than the 3.9 Release!


Volha Bryl, Daniel Fleischhacker, Christian Bizer

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