On 2/6/15 11:46 AM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
Hey all,

as some of you might know, our company has been developing Graphity -
an open-source Linked Data client, which provides browser
functionality and more.

Here's an instance of it running on Linked Data Hub, rendering DBPedia
resource of Tim Berners-Lee:

You can compare it with the current interface:

I think it is safe to say that user-friendliness is on another level.

Also check out the SPARQL endpoint which contains an interactive query

I would like the DBPedia community to consider making Graphity the
default Linked Data interface.

Why? You are adding a visualization to the mix. The tool in question is already listed on the applications collection[1] page currently maintained for the project.

Please remember, Linked Open Data is all about loosely-coupling the following:

1. Object (Entity) Identity
2. Object (Entity) Description Location -- basically the Name->Address indirection that's crucial to any Identity based system
3. Notation used to construct Object (Entity) Descriptions
4. Wire-Protocol used to serialize Object (Entity) Descriptionsover a network 5. Data Access Tools for interrogating, manipulating, and visualizing Object (Entity) Descriptions.

DBpedia publishes 5-Star Linked Open Data. You, like many others, have built a nice data visualization tool. Great job! But that isn't a mutually exclusive endeavor relative to DBpedia (the data space), it's a nice addition to the mix :)

Do we need an upgrade of the default green pages? Of course! Getting that rolled out is something that's been looping for a while because the capabilities required are a little more challenging than is obvious.

Maybe, at some point, we could have a competition for the community to vote on re., new default interface. The beauty of said competition is that outlining the expectations provides a nice route to actually discussing Linked Open Data visualization matters, clearly etc..

After that, we could take things much
further: enable editing mode, add custom layout modes etc.

Please let me know what you think. The source code can be found here:

Best regards,



[1] http://wiki.dbpedia.org/Applications -- DBpedia Applications .


Kingsley Idehen 
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