On 1/20/16 8:38 AM, Raphael Boyer wrote:
> Dear community,
> The french chapter is testing a new type of data with DBpedia, that
> contain data from historic dump files in addition to the data from
> fr.dbpedia.org.
> I invite you to test it. Please contact me if you encounter a problem.
> http://dbpedia-test-fr.inria.fr/historique/sparql
> You can find in attachment, an example of theused structure.
> You can find for each entity:
>           - The number of revision
>           - The number of contributor
>           - The number of revison per month and per year
>           - The average size of the article per month and per year
>           - The date of creation
>           - Also includes information for each revision of the article:
>                   - The relative size (number of letter since the last
> revision) (makes it easy to detect deletions)
>                   - The size (number of letter)
>                   - The nickname (or IP) of the contributor. (and if
> the contributor is a bot or not)
>                   - The modification date
>                   - And the commentary of the contributor
> I give you also two example request :
> It find the most modified article during october 2015 (with the number
> of revisions) :
> prefix swp: <http://www.w3.org/2004/03/trix/swp-2/>
> prefix dbfr: <http://ns.inria.fr/dbpediafr/voc#>
> prefix dc: <http://contextus.net/ontology/ontomedia/misc/date#>
> select ?x ?c where {
>     ?x dbfr:revPerMonth [ dc: date
> "10/2015"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#gYearMonth>; rdf:value ?c ] .
>     FILTER(!regex (str(?x),"Wikipédia:") && !regex
> (str(?x),"Utilisateur:") && !regex (str(?x),"Portail:") && !regex
> (str(?x),"Catégorie:") && !regex (str(?x),"Discussion_") && !regex
> (str(?x),"Modèle:") && !regex (str(?x),"Projet:")   )
> }
> LIMIT 100
> Test it
> <http://dbpedia-test-fr.inria.fr/historique/sparql?default-graph-uri=&query=prefix+swp%3A+%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2004%2F03%2Ftrix%2Fswp-2%2F%3E%0D%0Aprefix+dbfr%3A+%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fns.inria.fr%2Fdbpediafr%2Fvoc%23%3E%0D%0Aprefix+dc%3A+%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fcontextus.net%2Fontology%2Fontomedia%2Fmisc%2Fdate%23%3E+%0D%0Aselect+%3Fx+%3Fc+where+%7B%0D%0A++++%3Fx+dbfr%3ArevPerMonth+[+dc%3Adate+%2210%2F2015%22%5E%5E%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2001%2FXMLSchema%23gYearMonth%3E%3B+rdf%3Avalue+%3Fc+]+.%0D%0A++++FILTER%28%21regex%28str%28%3Fx%29%2C%22Wikip%C3%A9dia%3A%22%29+%26%26+%21regex%28str%28%3Fx%29%2C%22Utilisateur%3A%22%29+%26%26+%21regex%28str%28%3Fx%29%2C%22Portail%3A%22%29+%26%26+%21regex%28str%28%3Fx%29%2C%22Cat%C3%A9gorie%3A%22%29+%26%26+%21regex%28str%28%3Fx%29%2C%22Discussion_%22%29+%26%26+%21regex%28str%28%3Fx%29%2C%22Mod%C3%A8le%3A%22%29+%26%26+%21regex%28str%28%3Fx%29%2C%22Projet%3A%22%29+++%29%0D%0A%7D%0D%0AORDER+BY+DESC%28%3Fc%29%0D%0ALIMIT+100&format=text%2Fhtml&timeout=0&debug=on>
> It find the most modified article from the begining (with the number
> of revisions) :
> prefix swp: <http://www.w3.org/2004/03/trix/swp-2/>
> select ?x ?c where {
>     ?x swp:isVersion ?c .
>     FILTER(?c > 2000 && !regex (str(?x),"Utilisateur:") && !regex
> (str(?x),"Portail:") && !regex (str(?x),"Catégorie:") && !regex
> (str(?x),"Discussion_") && !regex (str(?x),"Modèle:") && !regex
> (str(?x),"Projet:")   )
> }
> LIMIT 200
> Test it
> <http://dbpedia-test-fr.inria.fr/historique/sparql?default-graph-uri=&query=prefix+swp%3A+%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2004%2F03%2Ftrix%2Fswp-2%2F%3E%0D%0Aselect+%3Fx+%3Fc+where+%7B%0D%0A++++%3Fx+swp%3AisVersion+%3Fc+.%0D%0A++++FILTER%28%3Fc+%3E+2000+%26%26+%21regex%28str%28%3Fx%29%2C%22Wikip%C3%A9dia%3A%22%29+%26%26+%21regex%28str%28%3Fx%29%2C%22Utilisateur%3A%22%29+%26%26+%21regex%28str%28%3Fx%29%2C%22Portail%3A%22%29+%26%26+%21regex%28str%28%3Fx%29%2C%22Cat%C3%A9gorie%3A%22%29+%26%26+%21regex%28str%28%3Fx%29%2C%22Discussion_%22%29+%26%26+%21regex%28str%28%3Fx%29%2C%22Mod%C3%A8le%3A%22%29+%26%26+%21regex%28str%28%3Fx%29%2C%22Projet%3A%22%29+++%29%0D%0A%7D%0D%0AORDER+BY+DESC%28%3Fc%29%0D%0ALIMIT+200&format=text%2Fhtml&timeout=0&debug=on>
> With regards
> Raphaël Boyer
> France

Great work!

A few tips:

[1] Please install the Faceted Browser VAD -- so that some of the links
in your demos resolve (e.g.,
http://fr.dbpedia.org/describe/?uri=http://fr.dbpedia.org/resource/Angers which
is exposed via page footer [green pages] or browse options [new dbpedia

[2] The above also adds a "Faceted Browsing" option to /sparql endpoint 
output options too.


Kingsley Idehen       
Founder & CEO 
OpenLink Software     
Company Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
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LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kidehen
Personal WebID: http://kingsley.idehen.net/dataspace/person/kidehen#this

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