The Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval Group at the 
University of Mannheim invites applications for


We are particularly interested in candidates with a background in one or 
several of the following areas:

- statistical NLP and IR
- knowledge acquisition
- digital humanities
- computational social science

The researcher will be located at the Data and Web Science Group (DWS) of the 
University of Mannheim, one of leading centers for Data Science in Germany 
(more information can be found at The 
University of Mannheim is one of the leading universities for Economic and 
Social Sciences in Germany, so we are highly interested in candidates with an 
interdisciplinary background, or interested in profiling their research output 
on interdisciplinary topics.

Duration: initially one year (starting in Fall 2016) with possible extension of 
2-4 years.
Salary range: according to German public scale TV-L 13 100% (full time, 
commensurate with experience and qualifications). Salary before tax ranges from 
around 44,000 to around 63,000 Euros, dependent on prior relevant work 
experience and marital status.
Duties: independent research and teaching (4 SWS per week during the semester).

Applications can be made per e-mail ( and 
should include a research statement, CV, copy of university degrees and 
transcripts and, as well as a list of publications and published software. All 
documents should be e-mailed as a single PDF. All applications sent before 
July, 10 2016 will receive full consideration. The position remains open until 

The University of Mannheim is committed to increase the percentage of female 
scientists and encourages female applicants to apply. Among candidates of equal 
aptitude and qualifications, a person with disabilities will be given 
preference. Please contact Simone Paolo Ponzetto 
(simone(At)informatik(DoT)uni-mannheim(DoT)de) for informal enquiries.

Simone Paolo Ponzetto
Data and Web Science Group
University of Mannheim, Germany
Tel: +49 621 181 2647

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