Dear all,

Although the 2016-04 release is not 100% ready we would like to share a
beta release and get any early feedback.

You can find all datasets here:

What is missing:


   links to other datasets

   Additional types (SDTypes, Hypernyms, DBTax)

   We will add small, but very useful datasets to the DBpedia+ stack in the
   final release.

   Release statistics

   download page

   No public endpoint yet with the data

What we changed in this release


   In addition to normalized datasets to English DBpedia (en-uris) we
   additionally provide normalized datasets based on the DBpedia Wikidata
   (DBw) datasets (wkd-uris). These sorted datasets will be the foundation for
   the upcoming fusion process with wikidata. The DBw-based uris will be the
   only ones provided from the following releases on.

   We now filter out triples from the Raw Infobox Extractor that are
   already mapped. E.g. no more “<x> dbo:birthPlace <z>” and “<x>
   dbp:birthPlace|dbp:placeOfBirth|... <z>” in the same resource. These
   triples are now moved to the “infobox-properties-mapped” datasets and not
   loaded on the main endpoint. See issue 22
   <> for more

   Major improvements in our citation extraction. See here
   for more details.

In case you missed it, what we changed in the previous release (2015-10)


   English DBpedia switched to IRIs. This can be a breaking change to some
   applications that need to change their stored DBpedia resource URIs /
   links. We provide the “uri-same-as-iri” dataset for English to ease the

   The instance-types dataset is now split to two files: instance-types
   (containing only direct types) and instance-types-transitive containing the
   transitive types of a resource based on the DBpedia ontology

   The mappingbased-properties file is now split in three (3) files:

      “geo-coordinates-mappingbased” that contains the coordinated
      originating from the mappings wiki. the “geo-coordinates” continues to
      provide the coordinates originating from the GeoExtractor

      “mappingbased-literals” that contains mapping based fact with literal

      “mappingbased-objects” that contains mapping based fact with object

      the “mappingbased-objects-disjoint-[domain|range]” are facts that are
      filtered out from the “mappingbased-objects” datasets as errors but are
      still provided

   We added a new extractor for citation data that provides two files:

      citation links: linking resources to citations

      citation data: trying to get additional data from citations. This is
      a quite interesting dataset but we need help to clean it up

   All datasets are available in .ttl and .tql serialization (nt, nq
   dataset were neglected for reasons of redundancy and server capacity).

   A complete changelog can always be found in the git log

Markus, on behalf of the DBpedia extraction team
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