*DBpedia @ GSoC 2017 - Call for students *

DBpedia will participate for a fifth time in theGoogle Summer of Code program (GSoC) and now we are looking for students who will share their ideas with us. We are regularly growing our community through GSoC and can deliver more and more opportunities to you. We got excited with our new ideas, we hope you will get excited too!

*What is GSoC?*

Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development. Funds will given to students (BSc, MSc, PhD) to work for three months on a specific task. At first open source organizations announce their student projects and then students should contact the mentor organizations they want to work with and write up a project proposal for the summer. After a selection phase, students are matched with a specific project and a set of mentors to work on the project during the summer.

If you are a GSoC student who wants to apply to our organization, please check our guideline here: _http://wiki.dbpedia.org/gsoc2017_

Here you can see the Google Summer of Code 2017 timeline: https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/timeline

We are looking forward to your input.

All the best,



DBpedia Association
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