On 4/13/17 4:05 AM, Вадим wrote:
> Hello, dear sirs!
> I have a question, I don't understand where I can find an answer.
> If I want my website's knowledge to be available from SPARQL endpoint,
> how can I do this?
> 2 variants: to start SPARQL endpoint at my website (it should "see" my
> rdf-data there) or to use dbpedia SPARQL endpoint to look for
> knowledge at my website?
> I don't understand how to start. My aim is to make it possible to
> search my website's triples via sparql. And it's better for them to be
> available from dbpedia sparql endpoint. 
> How can I connect my data to dbpedia sparql endpoint? Or, if it's
> impossible, how to start my own sparql endpoint?
> Thank you very much!
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Vadim

Hi Vadim,

Take a look at: http://linkeddata.uriburner.com . 

It might help you in your quest.


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