Eddie Kohler wrote:
My favorite thing in this new draft is the specific way you have identified changes to RFC4340. Thanks!
Good to see I finally addressed that issue. Thanks for your feedback.

Detailed comments.

   Service Codes allow a flexible correspondence between application-
   layer services and server port numbers, which affects how
   applications interact with DCCP. This decouples the use of ports for
   connection demultiplexing and state management from their use to
   indicate a desired service. An application identifies the requested
   service by the Service Code value in a DCCP-Request packet. Each
   application may listen on one or more ports associated with one or
   more Service Codes ([RFC4340], section 8.1.2).

=> This goes too far and may confuse readers. Remember that ports are still primary. Prefer:

   Service Codes allow applications to declare exactly which services
   are associated with server port numbers.  This can affects how
   applications interact with DCCP. ... Each application specifies
   one or more Service Codes for each listening port ([RFC4340], section

This text did not originate with me, although I'd be happy to adapt it a little (the original contributor may have more to add).

Suggested NEW:

Service Codes allow an application to declare the set of services
that are associated with server port numbers. This can affect how
applications interact with DCCP. It allows decoupling of the role of port numbers to indicate a desired service from the connection demultiplexing and state management. A DCCP application identifies the requested service by the Service Code value in a DCCP-Request packet. Each application therefore associates one or more Service Codes with each listening port ([RFC4340], section 8.1.2).

Do not capitalize Middleboxes except at the beginning of a sentence.


"Middleboxes that desire to identify the type of data being transported by a flow," => prefer "the type of data a flow claims to transport." Since middleboxes can't, of course, trust the service code. But you do make this clearer later on.

I agree, corrected.

Section 1.1.
"   The original draft of the DCCP specification did not use traditional
   ports; instead the client allocated a 32-bit identifier to uniquely
identify the connection." => I don't know what you mean by the "original draft," but the 13 July 2001 draft "draft-kohler-dcp-00" has source and destination ports:
So I consider this false and anyway not helpful.
I see. I recall the debate, but not what was included in the drafts of the spec. I suggest we rephrase this, to say that the Spec considered alternatives to the traditional way...

Early discussion of the DCCP protocol considered an alternative to the use of traditional ports; instead allocating the client a 32-bit identifier to uniquely identify each connection.

Maybe you're thinking of Mark Handley's original plan?
I think the text was contributed by Mark - he may have further comments?

I also find it unhelpful that this History section says things like
I'd prefer this section to reflect a broad consensus - if there are further comments from you or others who were involved, do let me know before the end of next week. I'd like to record this right in the RFC.

"[The Service Code] was intended to perform the primary role of a Published server port, in that it would be trivially simply to obtain a unique value for each application."
The "primary role" of a published service port is to provide a known rendezvous point, not necessarily to UNIQUELY identify an application (as the handful of existing collisions proves).
I agree.

Suggest NEW:
   The solution in DCCP to this problem was to use a 32-bit Service
   Code [RFC4340] that is included only in the DCCP-Request packet. The
   use of a 32-bit value was intended to make it trivially simply to
   obtain a unique value for each application.

Service Code is not, and has never been, useful for port rendezvous.

Section 3.2.
I don't really think it's appropriate to put MUST and SHOULD official requirements on middleboxes, which is a poorly defined term. The three added requirements at the end could be dropped with no bad effects.

Noted. I'd like to seek some AD Guidance on this (I see draft-ietf-behave-dccp-01.txt refers back to this draft for NAT traversal).

We should also include the behave draft (which also just completed WGLC) as an Informational Ref to this draft:

Section 3.3.0.
I like this wording. But watch "Server," which is a normal noun and shouldn't be capitalized except at the beginning of a sentence.

I have fixed.
/ Service Code is used by a Server/ Service Code is used by a server/
/the Server. In this/the server. In this/
Thanks for the changes!


P.S. Have you checked if the port allocation requests for DCCP in Section 6, seem right?

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