Thank you very much, this was informative and helpful. As a non-native
speaker it is indeed sometimes difficult to find the right tone.
(I wrote this before I saw that the thread forked children.)

| (Meta: we're discussing grammar nitpicks to a standards-track
| update to an aspect of a protocol that's currently on life
| support with a hack to get through NAT via UDP tunnelling to
| try and get some installed base? When did the IETF jump the
| shark?)
Even with that life support I would not expect a huge user base.  A value
exists somewhere else -- as a test platform for new algorithms. Thanks to the
infrastructure developed by Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo there is a deployable DCCP
implementation in a Linux kernel near you. It may help in developing algorithms
for real problems, such as bufferbloat, or congestion control in mesh networks:
testing with real prototypes instead of the over-used ns-2.

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