On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 7:16 AM, Mitev, Mitko <mitko.mi...@siemens.com> wrote:

> I have just started to use DdlUtils tool for creating our application Db. I 
> am using now DdlUtil 1.0.  I found the tool quite useful and intersting. 
> During the work with the tool I found an error too. If I created a database 
> schema based on database.dtd schema and I defined for the database also 
> unique and foreign keys, I got an errors during the creation of database 
> (Database.readDatabaseFromXML() method) saying that the column <name of key> 
> doesn't have a type.
> I found that the issue was in the  mapping.xml file - there was missing a 
> mmapping for uniquie and foreign keys in the element <table>. I added the 
> missing mapping and now I can create a DB from xml file including foregein 
> and unique keys.
> Now I have a question how can I release this fix into DDlUtils repository.

Please file a bug in DdlUtils' JIRA
and attach any info that you have (e.g. database schema, SQL, code
snippets ...). If you have a patch, even better, just attach it to the
bug :-)


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