Another way to implement what David is looking for would be just to add a 
Year field to the existing search page.  This would be nice for locating 
all the '73 shows where Eyes of the World was played, for example, or to do 
the type of search that David asked for.

The overall look and feel of the site is excellent.  Very clean and 
functional, but pleasing to the eye at the same time.  Very nice.  Thanks 
to all involved for their work in finally bringing us a searchable database!

Greg Hurwitt

At 05:55 AM 05/10/02 -0700, you wrote:
>From: "David A. Finney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 17:01:57 -0700 (PDT)
>Subject: New Site
>It looks great and its very easy to use. Very convenient.
>Since your asking for suggestions, is it possible to add the ability
>to use a search phrase on the main page after you select the year? I'll
>often select a year, then use ctrl-F to search for a city, venue or song.
>Clearly one can do this through the search page, but for simple searches
>within a year (say you have the city but not the exact date) could be
>Thanks for the good work and a much more convenient site!


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