July 15


Execute them, says the Archbishop: Hang the lot, says Bodu Bala pope----President Sirisena declares death to drug dealers in jail but does he have the power to play judge and hangman

Coming from President Sirisena, well known for his rhetorical flourishes spurred by his new found urge to portray himself as a no nonsense leader of iron, his speech this Wednesday in Kandy when he declared he will sign the death warrant and hang those convicted drug dealers sentenced to death by the courts but commuted to life and spared the hangman's noose thereafter by him, came as no surprise.

It was only to be expected. Given the failure of his advisors to bring to his notice that he had no legal right to do so. Unless he wished to play judge, jury and hangman all by himself and have his actions challenged in court.

President J. R. Jayewardene kept the death penalty in the constitution he introduced in 1978. But given his vision of dawning a 'dharmishta yugaya' in the land, he never signed the death warrant but commuted it to life. Though he was forced to wage a war against the Tigers and order the Armed Forces to do what they had to do to protect the unitary status of the nation, he did not wish to have blood on his hands when it came to decreeing a man be hanged.

For the Buddhist law of karma does not recognise motive as justification. Nor absolves a person from the act of taking the life not only of a human being but of all beings, however commendable in human eyes it may appear to be, from the consequences that will inevitably follow him life beyond life. The intention to kill, coupled with the tools to kill a living being inexorably attracts the natural law of cause and effect to take effect.

Since JR, all presidents of Lanka have dutifully observed this precept and precedent and have commuted the death sentence issued by the courts to life imprisonment. So has Sirisena. Until now when he declared this July 11, "Although there are different opinions regarding capital punishment in a Buddhist society, if a large number of criminal acts spread in such a society despite religious sermons, it will be necessary to take some timely actions to control crime." And proceeded to say, "I will sign the required orders to execute capital punishment for convicted drug traffickers, who carried out large-scale drug smuggling operations, while in detention."

"No matter how serious the crime committed, the death penalty is inadmissible" POPE FRANCIS:

But does he have the legal right to do so?

The procedure in giving effect to President J. R. Jayewardene's inhibition to personally condemn a man to death whatever his crime was is as follows:

Take the procedure involved. Before the President commutes the death sentence to life imprisonment, he is required to call for reports from the Attorney General and the Trial Judge and they are thereafter submitted to the Minister of Justice who in turn submits them to the President with his advice whether or not the execution should be carried out. It's only then the president must decide whether or not to commute the sentence of death to one of life in jail. Once he so decides, it's hard to see how he can possibly and arbitrarily reverse his decision and reimpose the death sentence. It can only apply to future cases, not to those presently in jail who have been given a reprieve from death.

But once he decides between life and death and signs the imperial order - like a Roman Caesar with the power over life and death to give the thumbs up or the thumbs down at a gladiators' fight in a Roman arena, where the victor awaits with sword held poised against the vanquished breast of his fallen foe and looks toward the royal box for a thumbs up or thumbs down signal from Caesar whether to plunge the sword in or sheath it - there are no grounds to revoke it. Legally and morally.

For commutation of the death sentence to one of life imprisonment is not a stay order on the death penalty.

For what he signs is not a decision that can be revoked or enforced at his whim, fancy and pleasure but one which states with the presidential signature and stamped with the presidential seal of office upon it, is that a man so sentenced to death by the judicial courts shall not be hanged but be allowed to live, albeit in a prison cell for the rest of his natural life.

Last year on February 4, President Maithripala Sirisena commuted 60 prisoners who were on death row in jails to life imprisonment. There may have been drug traffickers amongst those who received reprieve. Can the President by any means revoke the commutation order he had signed on the recommendation of the then Justice Minister and order they be hanged now because those drug pushers are still dealing in drugs behind prison bars?

"I welcome the death penalty" ARCHBISHOP MALCOM

So much for the President's call for the resurrection of the gallows and its noose to hang around the neck of those who he himself and other presidents before him for the last 40 years had spared even though the courts had sentenced them to death. But given his recent vacillations on many fronts, perhaps it was only to be taken with a pinch of salt, as another expression of a trouble mind.

The shock lay elsewhere and came like a bolt from the Heavens. When the head of Lanka's Catholic Church, without any reason or rhyme, deemed fit to step forth uninvited from his Archbishops' Palace, to join hands with Sirisena and advocate judicial murder.

If coming from a politician such as Sirisena held no surprise to the masses when he declared death to those who had been sentenced to hang whom he himself had pardoned and given new lease of life to spend in jail, the call coming from a cardinal in a red cassock representing the catholic church in Lanka, was - to put it mildly - astonishing. And beyond belief. And perhaps against the stated position the Holy See takes on the issue of the death penalty.

And, perhaps, ill advised like President Sirisena, the Archbishop of the Catholic Church, His Eminence Cardinal Patabendige Don Albert Malcolm Ranjith, rushed in where angels fear to tread. And perhaps by calling for the death penalty to be revived and the offenders hanged, he hanged his own chances to become the Third World's 1st South Asian Pope.

Two days after Maithripala Sirisena had declared his decision to revisit drug dealers in prison and deliver to them the hangman's noose, the Archbishop of Colombo, the head of the Catholic Church in Lanka, sauntered in unannounced to give his gratuitous sermon from his pulpit. He said: "We welcome President Sirisena's decision to execute drug traffickers who have been sentenced to death. We will support Maithripala Sirisena's decision to subject those who organise crime while being in the prison to death sentence."

Astonishing, isn't it that a man of God should call without qualm for the resurrection of the hangman's gallows - for whatever reason - when his own saviour the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was arrested over the allegation levelled at his door that he professed to be the King of the Jews. And given the death penalty by the Romans due to the clamouring of rabid mob who demanded his blood; and, after agreeing to the mobs demand, the 5th Prefect of the Roman province of Judaea, Pontius Pilate washed his blood soaked hands in water to cleanse his indelible sin, and crucified Jesus on the cross purely out of political expediency.

"Hang the politicians too" BODU BALA BOSS

Funny, isn't it, that when Jesus intervened to prevent a woman accused of adultery being stoned to death by stating 'he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone', an archbishop should call for the death penalty? Especially when the Holy Father of the Vatican Church the Archbishop represents in the Lankan archdiocese, does not subscribe to his views on crime and punishment.

9 months ago, His Holiness Pope Francis presented the Catholic Church???s infallible view. He declared that the death penalty, no matter how it is carried out, "is, in itself, contrary to the Gospel."

Speaking at the 25th anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church at the Vatican in October last year Pope Francis said, "The catechism's discussion of the death penalty, already formally amended by St. John Paul II, needs to be even more explicitly against capital punishment."

Capital punishment, he said, "heavily wounds human dignity" and is an "inhuman measure."

"It is, in itself, contrary to the Gospel, because a decision is voluntarily made to suppress a human life, which is always sacred in the eyes of the Creator and of whom, in the last analysis, only God can be the true judge and guarantor."

"The death penalty," he said, "not only extinguishes a human life, it extinguishes the possibility that the person, recognising his or her errors, will request forgiveness and begin a new life. In the past, when people did not see any other way for society to defend itself against serious crime and when 'social maturity' was lacking, people accepted the death penalty as ???a logical consequence of the application of justice'."

In fact, he said, the church itself believed that, and the death penalty was a possible punishment in the Papal States. It was only in 1969 that Pope Paul VI formally banned the death penalty.

"I am against resuming execution." MINISTER MANGALA

"Let us take responsibility for the past and recognise" that use of the death penalty was "dictated by a mentality that was more legalistic than Christian," Pope Francis said. "Remaining neutral today when there is a new need to reaffirm personal dignity would make us even more guilty."

The development of church teaching, Pope Francis insisted, is not the same as contradicting or changing church teaching. "Tradition is a living reality and only a partial vision would lead to thinking of 'the deposit of faith' as something static."

"The word of God," he said, "cannot be saved in mothballs as if it were an old blanket to protect against insects."

The Christian faith, he said, always has insisted on the dignity of human life from the moment of conception to natural death. So, the church has a continuing obligation to speak out when it realises something that was accepted in the past actually contradicts church teaching.

"Therefore, it is necessary to reiterate that, no matter how serious the crime committed, the death penalty is inadmissible, because it attacks the inviolability and dignity of the person," Pope Francis said.

But to be fair to the Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith whose statement calling for the revival of the death penalty may have been contrary to the present Catechism as held by the present Pope in the Vatican and more in line with the Lankan President, he also stated:

"We understand that even prison officers also support the criminals to organise crime while in prison and therefore it is our belief that political leadership of the country should carry out investigations and penalise the prison officers as well if they are found helping the inmates to carry out various crimes."

What a pity he failed to confine himself to this statement instead of calling for the death penalty contrary to the present declared position of his church as expressed by his Pope "that, no matter how serious the crime committed, the death penalty is inadmissible, because it attacks the inviolability and dignity of the person."

But the Archbishop had company. And it came from one garbed in the Buddha's saffron robe professing to practise the teachings of the Enlightened One who had proclaimed that all life was sacred and that no one had the right morally or legally to take the life of another and that included the life of all beings.

Not to be outdone by the Archbishop???s call, Lanka's self elected Buddhist Pope, Bodu Bala Sena Boss Galagodaaththe Gnanasara stepped in to add support to the Archbishop???s call. Only he went further. He called for the execution not only of drug dealers but also demanded that of the politicians. "Hang the lot", he said at a televised news conference this week.

But the monk presently out on bail following his conviction last month for intimidating a woman, was also not alone.

According to the Buddha Sasana Minister Gamini Jayawickrama Perera who readily endorsed the President's call to revive the death penalty, the Mahanayakes and the Anunayakas too backed the proposal to the full.

He said on Tuesday: "As the Ministry of Buddhasasana, I never take decisions on my own. My Chief advisers are Mahanayakas, Anunayakas and Lekakadhikari Theras including the Maha Sangha. The Maha Sangha had agreed to the decision taken by the President and approved by Cabinet Ministers who had decided to implement the death sentence for drug traffickers including those who have been already sentenced to death in prisons."

The Buddha Sasana Minister added, "It should have been carried out 15 years ago."

At the same time the President too had good company. On Thursday, he received unexpected support from Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte who lauded him for Lanka's plans to replicate the success of the Philippines' war on drugs.

President Duterte's spokesperson Harry Roque announced at a press conferance held on Thursday, "Of course, we are happy that other countries have taken note of our war on drugs and that they look upon us as best practice on dealing with illegal drugs. So we appreciate that, but as of now, we still have no death penalty. Well, I think, we have not reached the point where we will hang them. We are still on the level of really using our police, the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, the National Bureau of Investigation and our political will against drug pushers."

Of course, why need the death penalty, when Duterte's policy has been to order his forces to kill any suspected drug dealer.

But one lone voice rang out from Sirisena's cabinet. The liberal voice of his own Finance Minister Mangala Samaraweera who was bold enough to express the dissenting view. He said: "I am against resuming execution. What is needed is to take action against the main culprits responsible for running the drug cartels in the country. The ones that are in the prison are not the ring leaders; they are just peddlers and 2nd level dealers. The big ones are hidden behind charity work, affluent social work organisations and religious organisations - we need a system to catch them with enforcing law and order in full force."

Exactly. Statistics show the death penalty has not deterred murderers or assassins from killing. Nor drug lords from drug trafficking. If the government finds that convicted drug dealers are still trafficking in drugs whilst behind bars, is the answer the reimposition of the death penalty or to prevent them from doing so in prison?

For what is the credibility of the government's claim that they have brought down the rate of crime in the country committed by those free and not under constant surveillance when the government shamelessly announces - without realising its import that it amounts to gross negligence - that they cannot even control crime committed by those in government custody under a 24/7 prison watch?

The question posed herewith is not to ask whether drug dealers should be hanged or not but to ask whether the president has the legal power to reimpose the death penalty on his own accord on those whose death sentences have been commuted to life imprisonment; whether the Catholic Archbishop is right in singing hymns of praise to the president's decision to reintroduce the death penalty contrary to his own Pope, Pope Francis' stated view 'expressed just 9 months ago that 'no matter how serious the crime committed, the death penalty is inadmissible;' whether it is right of a Buddhist monk, the Bodu Bala chief Gnanasara to publicly call for the execution of not only drug dealers but politicians too; whether it is right of the Buddha Sasana Minister to embrace the death penalty and state that the Mahanayakes, too, support the move to bring back the gallows and hang the lot contrary to not only the Buddha's teachings and precepts but to the example he set when he embraced to the Buddhist order a serial killer Angulimala who had killed 999 men and thereafter guided him on the path to attain nirvana; and whether it is necessary for this nation, after having being vegetarian for over 40 years to take to eating beef again? In spite of Buddhism's first precept 'refrain from killing all beings' and Catholicism's first commandment 'thou shall not kill'?

(source: Sunday Times)


Society's approach to death penalty is a barometer of its humanity

"I take upon myself the rule of training to abstain from taking the life of living beings." - The First Precept

My father, Mahanama Samaraweera MP, knew 2 people who were to be hanged for murder.

They were from Matara, his electorate. So, like everyone else in the district, he also knew something that most of the country didn't: these 2 individuals were convicted and sentenced on false evidence. They were to go to the gallows; to be hanged for crimes they had not committed.

The experience of his constituents despair, and the grave injustice inherent in putting to death the innocent, may have stirred him into championing, as Deputy Minister of Justice in the S.W.R.D. Banadaranaike's Cabinet, the abolition of the death penalty.

He was successful, to a point. When the Government came to power in 1956, Cabinet on its very first sitting, decided to do away with the death penalty.

A Commission of Inquiry and 2 years later, my father introduced the Capital Punishment Act No. 20 in Parliament, which repealed the death sentence and replaced it with life imprisonment.

Dr. Colvin R de Silva once observed that the simple fact that the death penalty was irreversible was in itself a sufficient reason for its abolition.

Introducing the death penalty means that we, as a society, are absolutely convinced that our judges, our prosecutors, our defence and our investigators - people as prejudiced and muddled thinking as the rest of us - are infallible.

We must be convinced that they cannot make mistakes. For, if anyone of them makes an error even once, and someone is wrongly sentenced to death, then their blood will be on all our hands; for it is we, as legislators and citizens, who would have permitted such injustice to occur.

In fact, it requires a certain collective arrogance as a society, perhaps even megalomania, to take such irreversible steps even when we risk being wrong.

After all, most convictions, even with the miracles of modern science, as any criminal lawyer will tell you, are hardly open-and-shut cases.

As memorably depicted in the film 12 Angry Men, there's often a wafer thin, and sometimes invisible line, between reasonable doubt and guilt.

The law also changes over time: crimes punishable by death in the past, such as, publicly disagreeing with the king, are now considered normal and valuable.

Imagine, if Nelson Mandela or our own N.M. Perera had been put to death rather than imprisoned; subsequent changes in the law would not have brought them back.

Because death, unlike the law, is absolute. While laws may change, one cannot bring back one to life. Such uncertainty offers little comfort to judges, legislators and through them citizens testing and questioning their conscience.

The death penalty also raises the question of whether we have the authority or the right to take life in the first place. Dr. E. W. Adikaram did not vote as long as the death penalty remained on the books, saying "I shall not directly or indirectly get involved in taking the life of a fish, bird, insect or human being."

Who are we to take the life of another, to decide that fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, aunts and uncles are to die or not die?

In fact, just as much as the suicide rate is often used as a measure of social health, one can think of a society's approach to the death penalty as a barometer of its humanity.

For a society to calculatedly and systematically allow a human life to be taken, speaks very poorly of its commitment to the sanctity of life and the extent to which we have become brutalised by violence and war.

It could even be a case of the cobra effect, where an attempted solution to a problem actually makes the problem worse. Reintroducing the death penalty conveys the message that human life can and will be taken by other humans, instead of emphasising that every life is sacred.

This could, in the long term, increase violence and brutality in society, rather than halt it.

The death penalty, as researchers across the world have found, is applied unfairly. It is the poor who cannot afford capable lawyers; the oppressed who are discriminated against by the judges; the influential, who don't have connections to bail them out, who will bear the brunt of this inhumane legislation.

The rich, the powerful, the connected - the drug barons, the racketeers, the corrupt - will not really have anything to fear.

In fact, the evidence of study after study, has pointed out that the death penalty is not an effective deterrent. To put it simply: "there is no credible evidence that capital punishment deters murder or makes us any safer".

This is why most countries have done away with the death penalty.

A survey of senior policemen across America, where the death penalty still prevails in some states, found that they thought the death penalty was the least effective deterrent available to them.

This view is confirmed by judicial, legal, policing and criminology experts.

Although there have been no comprehensive studies of the factors driving crime in Sri Lanka, I would contend that the politicisation of the police, the assault on the independence of the judicial system, political protection for criminals and the general culture of impunity and corruption created over many years have much more to do with the lack of deterrence than the lack of the death penalty.

Therefore, if we want to really deter criminals we need to restore and empower the judiciary and the police.

We need to ensure their independence from external pressure, staff them with men and women of the highest integrity and ensure that the necessary resources are granted to ensure that justice is swift and impartial.

No doubt, our nation faces an unprecedented threat of criminality. But that problem is one too large and too grave for a morally repugnant, ineffective, potentially self-defeating and simplistic solution like re-introducing the death penalty.

It requires the replacement of the jungle law with the rule of law through an effective and impartial judiciary and police force.

It also requires deeper reforms that prevent corruption, impunity and politicisation. Without careful thought and deliberation, abandoning the community of civilised and humane nations which do not take the life of their citizens would not only be folly, it would also be deeply irresponsible.

Just as a Commission of Inquiry was appointed to study the removal of the death penalty over 50 years ago, perhaps, the time has come to appoint another such committee, comprising judges, policemen, lawyers, academics and even reformed convicts, to thoroughly study the issue of criminality in our society and provide us with real and lasting solutions to the problem of crime.

(source: Mangala Samaraweera is Minister of Finance and Mass Media. This article first appeared in The Sunday Times in October 2015----Sunday Observer)


Former SL cricket captain praises Sirisena over death penalty policy

Sri Lanka's former cricket captain T.M. Dilshan on Friday praised the president, Maithripala Sirisena for deciding to implement the death penalty for drug traffickers.

"There is no purpose in safeguarding human rights if we cannot save the country. Cases of drugs use and child abuse has increased at an alarming rate today. So is is essential to carry out the death sentence," Mr Dilshan was quoted by the Daily Mirror as saying.

"Not only for drugs, it should be implemented for child abuse and rape cases," he said, adding that the decision should have been made a long time ago.

International human rights groups have condemned the decision by Sri Lanka's cabinet, which was announced earlier this week by the ministry of Buddhasasana.

(source: Tamil Guardian)
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