also sprach Giacomo Catenazzi <> [2016-03-24 07:06 +0100]:
> The allocated money could be (and should be) in line with the
> budget (and its amendments), but the budget should not be a list
> of only allocated money. E.g. in last meeting: video team expenses
> are probably nearer to 5k then 0k, so we must put 5k in budget,
> but it is ok not to allocate yet 5k of money for them (so that 5k
> is not yet free spendable by the video team).

Dear Cate,

I'd like to pick up on your differentiation of budgeted and
allocated funds to be able to understand better where you're coming
from. I am not trying to cause troubles or troll.

Budgeting is a process, which (IMHO) may be roughly divided into two
parts: planning and execution, and I think your differentiation
loosely corresponds to those.

I think that when you say that we should budget 110% or twice the
amount we're allocating, you are saying that we should plan the
budget conservatively (overestimate expenses), but cut individual
budget lines at the time of approval, so that when the budget is
approved, a lesser amount actually gets allocated to and can be
spent by the team.

At the end of the conference, the actual expense will then be
measured not against the initial budget, but against the actual

Is this an accurate representation?

We may well be better off speaking of budget and allocations in the
future, if it increase clarity for everyone. However, it might also
confuse those of us regularly working with budgets outside DebConf,
because there, a budget is both: a forecast during the planning
phase, and a controlling resource during the exection (after the
approval), with budget lines and budget cuts and accounts meeting
budget, or going over or staying under, etc..

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf16: Cape Town:
      DebConf17: Montreal:

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