
You can find last meeting's summary on the wiki [1] and at the
end of this mail.

The next meeting will be on *Monday July 18th, starting at 14:00 UTC*.

Here's the proposed agenda: http://deb.li/il9wc. Feel free to modify it
as you wish.

[1] https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf17/Meetings/2017-07-10


Bursaries are finalized, everyone should know their status.


Paypal integration is complete. 197/387 attendees have confirmed.

Olasd will prevent people from registering for accommodation forthwith.

*Volunteering system*

No news from Abdel.

*Venue & accommodation*

Lavamind, tvaz and nattie will investigate the matter of accommodation
for August 4th.


Open Day schedule is ready to be published.

We will publish the Open Day schedule under
https://debconf17.debconf.org/schedule/open-day/ for the time being,
then redirect to the full schedule later.

*Conference dinner*

The contract for the tower is being worked on. Alcohol will be bought by
us and served by Le Dîner employees.

Lavamind will write a wiki page about the conf dinner arrangements.


Pollo will ping schultmc about SPI's credit card info for banner order.

Lavamind will reply to SFL's mail about using the conference logo on
their "goodies".


Cameras have been bought and shipping will be arranged shortly.

*Day Trip*

Day trip options are documented at


Tvaz will investigate quickest possible payment method for initial food
payment (due July 15th).

*DC18 status update*

OCF.tw now provides account for personal donation now.


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