ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) dijo [Mon, Oct 09, 2017 at 09:44:29PM +0800]:
> Hi,
> The latest DC18 brochure & flyer are in [0]. Please help to review them
> so that we can start to look for sponsor.

Questions as a non-native English speaker:

- The caption on page 4's picture, shouldn't it be "...updating ON
  Debian status", "giving an update on Debian's status", or something
  like it? It's not as if Chris updated Debian's status by delivering
  a talk.

- I would add a line in the same page: I think video _archiving_ is
  also a valuable item for our sponsors. So, the subtitle would be
  "Live World-wide Video Streaming and Archiving", adding to the first
  paragraph: "Videos are also archived for their long-term use,
  contributing to a media library that includes every DebConf edition
  since 2005".

- I'm not sure I understand what the semantics of page 5 are supposed
  to mean. Why are all quotes partially indented?

Good work :-]

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