
Steve McIntyre <st...@einval.com> wrote:
> Remembering the fun that we had during the Squeeze release with trying
> to make single-CD installations work well, it's time to consider what
> we're going to *claim* to support in Wheezy. We've had a history of
> supporting the following single-CD installations:
>  * Gnome desktop from CD#1
>  * KDE desktop from "KDE CD#1"
>  * XFCE desktop from "light CD#1"
>  * LXDE desktop from "light CD#1"
>  * base system only from netinst CD

FYI: With the alpha1 images, it is not possible, to do an installation
from only one CD image and without internet access, getting an X system
as result.
When using      Alpha1 Binary-CD #1
                Alpha1 KDE CD
                Alpha1 xfce-lxde CD
and, as said before, having no internet access while installing, you are
only provided the "Standard system tools" task, no "Desktop environment" 
is provided.

See #673200.

If you knew this already, sorry for the noise.


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