On Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 05:14:58PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
> 1. My (probably misconfigured) vmware virtual machine. I never seem to
>    get a default route set up on this machine via dhcp. If I add one by
>    hand, it's ok.
> 2. My test laptop, connected directly to my cable company's interface
>    box. Here I got one IP address without a default route, and then 10
>    seconds later (when the first lease expired!) an different IP with a
>    default route. Weirdness.
> Things go wrong in suprising ways when there is no default route, and
> it's not at all obvious what the real problem is. So I think that netcfg
> should check for a default route, at least when using dhcp (not sure
> about static), and complain if there isn't one.

When you notice the problem, could you quickly check
/var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases and see if a router was given to you? If
so, then we need to fix dhclient-script.

(In which case, it would be nice for you to give me the sh -x
play-by-play of that, if possible)

Joshua Kwan

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