On 19 Nov 2023, at 12:21, khush patil <khushpatil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Team, 
> I have successfully freebsd on linux using llvm 
> MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/home/kp/build tools/build/make.py --debug TARGET=amd64 
> TARGET\_ARCH=amd64 --cross-bindir=/usr/lib/llvm-14/bin
> MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/home/kp/build tools/build/make.py -j 2 TARGET=amd64 
> TARGET\_ARCH=amd64 buildworld --bootstrap-toolchain 
> --cross-bindir=/usr/lib/llvm-14/bin
> World build completed on Mon Nov 6 00:00:23 IST 2023
> World built in 25484 seconds, ncpu: 4, make -j2
> MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/home/kp/build tools/build/make.py -j 4 TARGET=amd64 
> TARGET_ARCH=amd64 buildkernel --cross-bindir=/usr/lib/llvm-14/bin
> Kernel build for GENERIC completed on Mon Nov 6 14:20:05 IST 2023
> Kernel(s) GENERIC built in 1538 seconds, ncpu: 4, make -j4
> Should i need to change to gcc and go for new compilation or it is possible 
> to build debian package with existing compilation 

Firstly, please stop using that hideous font and instead send messages
as plaintext.

Secondly, and I’m not trying to be mean by saying this, but building
FreeBSD on Linux is not a significant achievement; that script was
written by a colleague of mine precisely to make it “just work” out of
the box, and the process is literally documented in the FreeBSD
Handbook, not to mention that building on Linux wouldn’t be the normal
case for a GNU/kFreeBSD kernel, building on GNU/kFreeBSD itself would
be. What is significant is the amount of work to actually revitalise
FreeBSD, which requires careful packaging (not just building) of
up-to-date kernel versions and updating the glibc patches to apply to
the latest upstream glibc version, plus helping keep all the many other
packages that need GNU/kFreeBSD-specific support building and working.
Unfortunately, based on all your communications to date, I just do not
believe you have the expertise to be even close to being able to do
those things.

Why do you want to bring back GNU/kFreeBSD, anyway? The landscape has
massively changed since when it was first conceived. Back then, FreeBSD
lacked a good package manager, in contrast to Debian’s apt+dpkg, but
these days FreeBSD has a decent (if still inferior in some respects)
package manager. FreeBSD had jails, ZFS and a highly-regarded
networking stack, but these days Linux has containers, a ZFS port (even
if not as tightly integrated) and a matured networking stack. There’s
just not much to be gained from combining the two these days, only the
downsides of using a Frankenstein’s monster of a system that confuses
third-party software. If you like FreeBSD, just use FreeBSD. If you
like Debian, just use Debian Linux. I say this all as someone who is a
developer for both projects.


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