reopen 288063


On Tue, Oct 04, 2005, Jeremy S Bygott wrote:
> But are we happy about this?  There is at least one reason why
> fetchmail ( <= 6.2.5-12sarge1 ) does not purge this file. The message
> in the postrm,
>        "Not removing /etc/fetchmailrc ..."
> is uninformative but does show that non-deletion was a deliberate
> decision by the postrm's author.  And in the changelog.Debian.gz for
> fetchmail (5.7.6-2) we read:
>   * Remind user that /etc/fetchmailrc is not removed on package
>     purge (we don't provide it, after all...)
> That seems to be a good and decisive reason!
> [...]
>    echo "Not removing /etc/fetchmailrc (file provided by administrator)..."

 I completely agree with your reasoning, and /etc/fetchmailrc should
 simply be kept.  Please do not prompt for its suppression, it will add
 complecity and bugs.

 (I'm reopening this bug.)


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