On Friday, July 20, 2012, Wookey wrote:

> Hi, I've been using the deb-mulitmedia mythtv packages for many years
> (thanx for that work), and having just had to re-install stuff and
> noting the long existence of mythbuntu was wondering why there were
> still no packages in Debian. So I came to this bug.
> I'm happy to help out, and would also like to have it working on ARM
> hardware too - not sure what the status of that is upstream, but I see
> there are packgaes at deb-multimedia already for armel and armhf. I'd
> better get testing...
> So where are we at? Still waiting to sort out the internal library
> thing properly, even though the 1st message from two years ago claims
> a patch for that? Looks like the deb-m package uses the internal av* libs.
> Josh have you started the 'long conversation' with upstream yet?
> Is your packaging online somewhere? The verison at
> http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/mythtv.git stops in
> March 2010
> Wookey
> --
> Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM
> http://wookware.org/

Hi Wookey,
If you want to help with mythtv packaging, please start from the packaging
work done for Ubuntu at https://github.com/MythTV/packaging. The main
maintainer for the mythtv packages in Ubuntu is superm1.

Note that for Debian, the issue with using a fork of ffmpeg/libav will need
to be addressed. Last I checked, mythtv was still making changes to their
version of ffmpeg that were different from upstream ffmpeg/libav. There's
also the licensing issues from using openssl. With this, I believe you can
simply use the openssl wrapper provided by gnutls.


~ Andres

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