On Monday 20 January 2014 10:39:11 Karsten Malcher wrote:
> > Please try the new driver releases 319.82 in unstable and 331.38 in
> > experimental.
> How can i install this driver in jessie?

Add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ unstable main contrib non-free

You probably also want to create /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50-default-release with 
the following contents:
Apt {                                                                           
        Default-Release "testing";                                              

If your /etc/apt/sources.list has "jessie" lines instead of testing, use 
jessie instead.
This will make sure you install packages from testing/jessie by default and 
only install packages from other archives (unstable) when you explicitly say 

To install the nvidia package from unstable, do the following:
aptitude install nvidia-driver -t unstable

This should pull in that package from unstable including it's dependencies.
If it reports dependency issues, let aptitude offer you other suggestions until 
the issues are resolved.
Another useful parameter for aptitude is "-s" which stands for simulate, so 
you can experiment as much as you want (also as normal user) without actually 
committing the changes.

To install the driver from experimental, add another line to your sources, but 
use experimental instead of unstable and to install use '-t experimental' 
instead of '-t unstable'.

> >   And try a minimal config file as decribed in
> > /usr/share/doc/nvidia-driver/README.Debian.gz
> I tried to use nvidia-xconfig with the same result of this black blank
> screen. The xorg.conf is attached.

That's not a minimal config file ;-)
This is:

Section "Device"
    Identifier     "Device0"
    Driver         "nvidia"
    VendorName     "NVIDIA Corporation"

So remove all the other lines, so your xorg.conf only contains the part above.


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