Control: tag -1 wontfix

On Sun, 13 Apr 2014, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> It would be so much easier and saner if the subject line compulsarily
> adds a packagename with each and every reply so the user doesn't need
> to go to the web-interface to know what the bug is all about.

Every message that the BTS sends has the package encoded in the
X-Debian-Pr-Package: header:

X-Debian-PR-Message: report 744339

Because bugs can be in multiple packages, and figuring out whether to
strip or not strip a package from the subject is fraught with
difficulties, I don't see the advantage of overloading the subject line
to provide this information.

Don Armstrong            

listen, what you do in the privacy
of your neighbour's house while they're away
is your own business
 -- a softer world #511

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