Package: dialign-t
Version: 1.0.2-5
Usertags: goto-cc

During a rebuild of all packages in a clean sid chroot (and cowbuilder+pbuilder)
the build failed with the following error. Please note that we use our research
compiler tool-chain (using tools from the cbmc package), which permits extended
reporting on type inconsistencies at link time.

gcc -o ./museq \
  ./museq.o ./parameters.o ./io.o ./diag.o ./alig.o ./assemble.o ./prob.o 
./orf.o ./translate.o  \
  -pipe -Wall -lm -Wl,-z,relro

error: conflicting function declarations "simple_aligner"
old definition in module museq file museq.c line 56
signed int (struct seq_col *, struct diag_col *, struct scr_matrix *, struct 
prob_dist *, struct alignment *, signed int)
new definition in module assemble file assemble.c line 398
char (struct seq_col *scol, struct diag_col *dcol, struct scr_matrix *smatrix, 
struct prob_dist *pdist, struct alignment *algn, signed int round)

The inconsistent return types will result in wrong interpretation of numeric
values, with possibly even worse results on big-endian systems.


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