found 584162 2.64-7.1
severity 584162 grave
tags 584162 security

Christoph Biedl wrote...

> The simple satellite MTA ssmtp cannot properly handle e-mail messages
> already formatted with network ("DOS") line endings.  Such messages
> may lose parts of the body, sent to the wrong recipicients, or have
> their last lines stripped for a related error.

Four years into the issue, and getting caught by this every now and
then. All three reproducers still show the undesired behaviour in

So it's really about time to handle this. If this means removal of
ssmtp from testing, so be it.

Justification, and not a bit has changed since then:

* data loss by stripping content from messages sent
* privacy breach by sending messages to recipients that are not
  intended to be such.


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