
[Full quote of the intitial message for the benefit of the BTS archive.]

> On 24/09/14 11:46, Neil Williams wrote:
>> This is a particularly common problem with team maintenance packages or
>> with psuedo-packages (like release.debian.org) where a lot of people
>> may be on the list.
>> Please always include the package name / topic in the subject of the
>> email or, as a matter of last resort, in the first few lines of the
>> content of the message.
>> I see a lot of email of the type:
>> Subject: ping
>> Body: Any update on this issue?
>> EOF
>> Umm, *which* issue?
>> For anyone to know what is going on, it means that every subscriber has
>> to either ignore the email or go to the bug report manually and work
>> out which package or which type of request is being made for a
>> pseudo-package.
>> I know, this only goes to a subset of bug submitters and I've done this
>> myself on occasion (and sworn at myself when I get the ack) but can
>> people from this list *please* include something specific to the actual
>> package/topic in the Subject of emails to bug reports? At the very
>> least, something in the first few lines of the content saying what you
>> are pinging?

Or convince the BTS maintainers that #744339 is actually worth fixing
(the subjects already get mangled to add the bug number one can already
see in the To: field anyway, adding the package name on top or instead
of it wouldn’t be such a bad move IMHO).

Or educate ourselves to dig into the X-Debian-PR-Package header as
advised in the bug report…



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