Package: libsndfile1-dev
Version: 1.0.25-5
Severity: normal

- Ogg/Vorbis: vorbis_metatypes is lacking:

  { SF_STR_TRACKNUMBER, "Tracknumber" },
  { SF_STR_GENRE, "Genre" },

- Wav:

wav.c:308 has:

        if (psf->filelength > SF_PLATFORM_S64 (0xffffffff))
                psf_log_printf (psf, "Warning : filelength > 0xffffffff. This 
is bad!!!!\n") ;

But for non-seekable files, filelength is set to SF_COUNT_MAX which
is > 0xffffffff, so this produces a bogus warning e.g. when doing:

cat somefile.wav | sndfile-info -

- Voc:

% sndfile-info test.voc

Version : libsndfile-1.0.25

Error : Not able to open input file test.voc.
File : test.voc
Length : 771512
Creative Voice File
dataoffset : 26
version    : 0x0
checksum   : 0x10A
 Sound Data : 16380
  sr   : 156 => 10000Hz
  comp : 0
Seems to be a multi-segment file (#1).
offset: 32    size: 16380    sum: 16412    filelength: 771512

Error in VOC file, incompatible VOC sections.

The first "error" is clearly bogus because if it could not open the
file how could it (correctly) determine the length, samplerate etc.?
OK, that's just a problem with the formulation of the message
(open != parse).

But the second error is the real problem. It claims there is an
error in the file. However, this is an original file recorded with
original recorder software from Creative Labs on a Dos system some
20 years ago. (I just purged the samples because it was a private
recording and for compressibility ;), the error was the same before
and after.)

So I don't really think there's an error in the file. (It also plays
fine with other software such as mplayer.)

Looking at the code (voc.c:256) and also at the strace output, it
doesn't even check more than one section to determine whether
they're incompatible (whatever that means -- I guess sections with
different sample rates might qualify), just gives this message after
finding there's more than one section!?

I don't really understand what's up here. Either this is unfinished
code without the appropriate "WIP" warning, or the message is really
meant to say: "Sorry, this library supports VOC files with one
section only", in which case the accusation "Error in VOC file" is
not a good way to put that. (Of course, fixing the actual code would
be preferable to fixing the error message. ;)

Attachment: test.voc.xz
Description: Binary data

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