Control: retitle python-cvxopt: glpk component doesn't work anymore
Control: severity -1 important
Control: tags -1 -moreinfo +confirmed +fixed-upstream +patch

I traced back the problem to release 4.53 of glpk [1], in February 2014.
According to policy 8.6.2, there should have been a SONAME bump to 37 in
order to have a smooth transition.

Anyway, looking at the upstream source, references to lpx_create_prob
have been changed to glp_create_prob in version 1.1.7 [2], but the
commit is not atomic and in fact huge.

Attached is a patch that replaces glpk-4.49.diff. It upgrades
src/C/glpk.c and only that from version 1.1.4 to version 1.1.7, from

It sure resolves the import, but I don't know how to properly test it.

Julien: Can you provide a small test?


[2] commit f3ca94fb997979a54b913f95b816132f7fd44820 on

Description: Bring glpk component to version 1.1.7
 glpk ABI has changed and some symbols are no longer available.
 That patch is the complete diff between version 1.1.4 and 1.1.7, but limited to the src/C/glpk.c file.
Author: Martin Andersen <>
Origin: upstream
Forwarded: not-needed
Reviewed-By: Jean-Michel Nirgal Vourgère <>
Last-Update: 2015-03-11

Index: cvxopt-1.1.4/src/C/glpk.c
--- cvxopt-1.1.4.orig/src/C/glpk.c
+++ cvxopt-1.1.4/src/C/glpk.c
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
+ * Copyright 2012-2014 M. Andersen and L. Vandenberghe.
  * Copyright 2010-2011 L. Vandenberghe.
  * Copyright 2004-2009 J. Dahl and L. Vandenberghe.
- * This file is part of CVXOPT version 1.1.4.
+ * This file is part of CVXOPT version 1.1.7.
  * CVXOPT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -20,76 +21,36 @@
 #include "cvxopt.h"
 #include "misc.h"
-#include "glpk.h"
+#include <glpk.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <limits.h>
     "Interface to the simplex and mixed integer LP algorithms in GLPK.\n\n"
     "The GLPK control parameters have the default values listed in \n"
-    "the GLPK documentation, except for 'LPX_K_PRESOL', which is set\n"
-    "to 1 and cannot be modified.  The other parameters can be\n"
-    "modified by making an entry in the dictionary glpk.options.\n"
-    "For example, the command glpk.options['LPX_K_MSGLEV'] = 0 turns\n"
-    "off the printed output during execution of glpk.simplex().\n"
-    "See the documentation at for\n"
-    "the list of GLPK control parameters and their default values.");
+    "the GLPK documentation (section 2.8.1 for the simplex solver and \n"
+    "section 2.10.5 for the MILP solver).  The control  parameters can \n"
+    "be modified by making an entry in the dictionary glpk.options.\n"
+    "For example, glpk.options['msg_lev'] = 'GLP_MSG_OFF' turns off the \n"
+    "printed output will be turned off during execution of glpk.lp().\n"  
+    "Setting glpk.options['it_lim'] = 10 sets the simplex iteration \n"
+    "limit to 10.  Unrecognized entries in glpk.options are ignored.");
 static PyObject *glpk_module;
-typedef struct {
-    char  name[20];
-    int   idx;
-    char  type;
-}   param_tuple;
-static const param_tuple GLPK_PARAM_LIST[] = {
-    {"LPX_K_MSGLEV",    LPX_K_MSGLEV,   'i'}, 
-    {"LPX_K_SCALE",     LPX_K_SCALE,    'i'},
-    {"LPX_K_DUAL",      LPX_K_DUAL,     'i'},
-    {"LPX_K_PRICE",     LPX_K_PRICE,    'i'},
-    {"LPX_K_RELAX",     LPX_K_RELAX,    'f'},
-    {"LPX_K_TOLBND",    LPX_K_TOLBND,   'f'},
-    {"LPX_K_TOLDJ",     LPX_K_TOLDJ,    'f'},
-    {"LPX_K_TOLPIV",    LPX_K_TOLPIV,   'f'},
-    {"LPX_K_ROUND",     LPX_K_ROUND,    'i'},
-    {"LPX_K_OBJLL",     LPX_K_OBJLL,    'f'},
-    {"LPX_K_OBJUL",     LPX_K_OBJUL,    'f'},
-    {"LPX_K_ITLIM",     LPX_K_ITLIM,    'i'},
-    {"LPX_K_ITCNT",     LPX_K_ITCNT,    'i'}, 
-    {"LPX_K_TMLIM",     LPX_K_TMLIM,    'f'},
-    {"LPX_K_OUTFRQ",    LPX_K_OUTFRQ,   'i'},
-    {"LPX_K_OUTDLY",    LPX_K_OUTDLY,   'f'},
-    {"LPX_K_BRANCH",    LPX_K_BRANCH,   'i'},
-    {"LPX_K_BTRACK",    LPX_K_BTRACK,   'i'},
-    {"LPX_K_TOLINT",    LPX_K_TOLINT,   'f'},
-    {"LPX_K_TOLOBJ",    LPX_K_TOLOBJ,   'f'},
-    {"LPX_K_MPSINFO",   LPX_K_MPSINFO,  'i'},
-    {"LPX_K_MPSOBJ",    LPX_K_MPSOBJ,   'i'},
-    {"LPX_K_MPSORIG",   LPX_K_MPSORIG,  'i'},
-    {"LPX_K_MPSWIDE",   LPX_K_MPSWIDE,  'i'},
-    {"LPX_K_MPSFREE",   LPX_K_MPSFREE,  'i'},
-    {"LPX_K_MPSSKIP",   LPX_K_MPSSKIP,  'i'},
-    {"LPX_K_LPTORIG",   LPX_K_LPTORIG,  'i'},
-    {"LPX_K_PRESOL",    LPX_K_PRESOL,   'i'},
-}; /* 28 paramaters */
-static int get_param_idx(const char *str, int *idx, char *type)
-static int get_param_idx(char *str, int *idx, char *type)
+#define PYINT_CHECK(value) PyLong_Check(value)
+#define PYINT_AS_LONG(value) PyLong_AS_LONG(value)
+#define PYSTRING_FROMSTRING(str) PyUnicode_FromString(str)
+#define PYSTRING_CHECK(a) PyUnicode_Check(a)
+#define PYSTRING_COMPARE(a,b) PyUnicode_CompareWithASCIIString(a, b)
+#define PYINT_CHECK(value) PyInt_Check(value)
+#define PYINT_AS_LONG(value) PyInt_AS_LONG(value)
+#define PYSTRING_FROMSTRING(str) PyString_FromString(str)
+#define PYSTRING_CHECK(a) PyString_Check(a)
+#define PYSTRING_COMPARE(a,b) strcmp(PyString_AsString(a), b)
-    int i;
-    for (i=0; i<28; i++) {
-        if (!strcmp(GLPK_PARAM_LIST[i].name, str)) {
-            *idx =  GLPK_PARAM_LIST[i].idx;
-            *type = GLPK_PARAM_LIST[i].type;
-            return 1;
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
 static char doc_simplex[] =
@@ -97,13 +58,13 @@ static char doc_simplex[] =
     "(status, x, z, y) = lp(c, G, h, A, b)\n"
     "(status, x, z) = lp(c, G, h)\n\n"
-    "(status, x, z, y) = lp(c, G, h, A, b) solves the pair\n"
-    "of primal and dual LPs\n\n"
+    "(status, x, z, y) = lp(c, G, h, A, b) solves the pair of primal and\n"
+    "dual LPs\n\n"
     "    minimize    c'*x            maximize    -h'*z + b'*y\n"
     "    subject to  G*x <= h        subject to  G'*z + A'*y + c = 0\n"
     "                A*x = b                     z >= 0.\n\n"
-    "(status, x, z) = lp(c, G, h) solves the pair of primal\n"
-    "and dual LPs\n\n"
+    "(status, x, z) = lp(c, G, h) solves the pair of primal and dual LPs"
+    "\n\n"
     "    minimize    c'*x            maximize    -h'*z \n"
     "    subject to  G*x <= h        subject to  G'*z + c = 0\n"
     "                                            z >= 0.\n\n"
@@ -112,7 +73,7 @@ static char doc_simplex[] =
     "G            mxn dense or sparse 'd' matrix with m>=1\n\n"
     "h            mx1 dense 'd' matrix\n\n"
     "A            pxn dense or sparse 'd' matrix with p>=0\n\n"
-    "b            px1 dnese 'd' matrix\n\n"
+    "b            px1 dense 'd' matrix\n\n"
     "status       'optimal', 'primal infeasible', 'dual infeasible' \n"
     "             or 'unknown'\n\n"
     "x            if status is 'optimal', a primal optimal solution;\n"
@@ -121,21 +82,15 @@ static char doc_simplex[] =
     "             None otherwise";
-static PyObject *simplex(PyObject *self, PyObject *args,
-    PyObject *kwrds)
+static PyObject *simplex(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwrds)
     matrix *c, *h, *b=NULL, *x=NULL, *z=NULL, *y=NULL;
     PyObject *G, *A=NULL, *t=NULL, *param, *key, *value;
-    LPX *lp;
-    int m, n, p, i, j, k, nnz, nnzmax, *rn=NULL, *cn=NULL, param_id;
+    glp_prob *lp;
+    glp_smcp smcp;
+    int m, n, p, i, j, k, nnz, nnzmax, *rn=NULL, *cn=NULL;
     int_t pos=0;
     double *a=NULL, val;
-    char param_type, err_str[100]; 
-    const char *keystr;
-    char *keystr;
     char *kwlist[] = {"c", "G", "h", "A", "b", NULL};
     if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwrds, "OOO|OO", kwlist, &c,
@@ -182,18 +137,18 @@ static PyObject *simplex(PyObject *self,
         return NULL;
-    lp = lpx_create_prob();
-    lpx_add_rows(lp, m+p);
-    lpx_add_cols(lp, n);
+    lp = glp_create_prob();
+    glp_add_rows(lp, m+p);
+    glp_add_cols(lp, n);
     for (i=0; i<n; i++){
-        lpx_set_obj_coef(lp, i+1, MAT_BUFD(c)[i]);
-        lpx_set_col_bnds(lp, i+1, LPX_FR, 0.0, 0.0);
+        glp_set_obj_coef(lp, i+1, MAT_BUFD(c)[i]);
+        glp_set_col_bnds(lp, i+1, GLP_FR, 0.0, 0.0);
     for (i=0; i<m; i++)
-        lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, i+1, LPX_UP, 0.0, MAT_BUFD(h)[i]);
+        glp_set_row_bnds(lp, i+1, GLP_UP, 0.0, MAT_BUFD(h)[i]);
     for (i=0; i<p; i++)
-        lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, i+m+1, LPX_FX, MAT_BUFD(b)[i],
+        glp_set_row_bnds(lp, i+m+1, GLP_FX, MAT_BUFD(b)[i],
     nnzmax = (SpMatrix_Check(G) ? SP_NNZ(G) : m*n ) +
@@ -202,7 +157,8 @@ static PyObject *simplex(PyObject *self,
     rn = (int *) calloc(nnzmax+1, sizeof(int));
     cn = (int *) calloc(nnzmax+1, sizeof(int));
     if (!a || !rn || !cn){
-        free(a);  free(rn);  free(cn);  lpx_delete_prob(lp);
+        free(a);  free(rn);  free(cn);  
+        glp_delete_prob(lp);
         return PyErr_NoMemory();
@@ -241,153 +197,229 @@ static PyObject *simplex(PyObject *self,
-    lpx_load_matrix(lp, nnz, rn, cn, a);
+    glp_load_matrix(lp, nnz, rn, cn, a);
     free(rn);  free(cn);  free(a);
     if (!(t = PyTuple_New(A ? 4 : 3))){
-        lpx_delete_prob(lp);
+        glp_delete_prob(lp);
         return PyErr_NoMemory();
     if (!(param = PyObject_GetAttrString(glpk_module, "options"))
         || !PyDict_Check(param)){
-            lpx_delete_prob(lp);
+            glp_delete_prob(lp);
                 "missing glpk.options dictionary");
             return NULL;
+    glp_init_smcp(&smcp);
     while (PyDict_Next(param, &pos, &key, &value))
-        if ((PyUnicode_Check(key)) && 
-            get_param_idx(_PyUnicode_AsString(key), &param_id, 
-            &param_type)){
-            keystr = _PyUnicode_AsString(key);
-        if ((keystr = PyString_AsString(key)) && get_param_idx(keystr,
-            &param_id, &param_type)){
-	    if (param_type == 'i'){
-	        if (!PyLong_Check(value)){
-	        if (!PyInt_Check(value)){
-                    sprintf(err_str, "invalid value for integer "
-                        "GLPK parameter: %-.20s", keystr);
-                    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, err_str);
-	            lpx_delete_prob(lp);
-	            Py_DECREF(param);
-                    return NULL;
-	        }
-                if (!strcmp("LPX_K_PRESOL", keystr) &&
-                    PyLong_AS_LONG(value) != 1){
-                    PyInt_AS_LONG(value) != 1){
-                    PyErr_Warn(PyExc_UserWarning, "ignoring value of "
-                        "GLPK parameter 'LPX_K_PRESOL'");
+        if (PYSTRING_CHECK(key)){
+            if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "msg_lev"))
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)){
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_MSG_OFF"))
+                        smcp.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_OFF;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_MSG_ERR")) 
+                        smcp.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_ERR;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_MSG_ON")) 
+                        smcp.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_ON;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_MSG_ALL")) 
+                        smcp.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_ALL;
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['msg_lev'] with default value", 
+                            1);
-                else lpx_set_int_parm(lp, param_id,
-                    PyLong_AS_LONG(value));
-                    PyInt_AS_LONG(value));
-	    }
-	    else {
-	        if (!PyLong_Check(value) && !PyFloat_Check(value)){
-	        if (!PyInt_Check(value) && !PyFloat_Check(value)){
-                    sprintf(err_str, "invalid value for floating point "
-                        "GLPK parameter: %-.20s", keystr);
-                    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, err_str);
-	            lpx_delete_prob(lp);
-	            Py_DECREF(param);
-                    return NULL;
-	        }
-	        lpx_set_real_parm(lp, param_id,
-                    PyFloat_AsDouble(value));
-	    }
-    }
-    lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_PRESOL, 1);
-    Py_DECREF(param);
-    switch (lpx_simplex(lp)){
-        case LPX_E_OK:
-            x = (matrix *) Matrix_New(n,1,DOUBLE);
-            z = (matrix *) Matrix_New(m,1,DOUBLE);
-            if (A) y = (matrix *) Matrix_New(p,1,DOUBLE);
-            if (!x || !z || (A && !y)){
-                Py_XDECREF(x);
-                Py_XDECREF(z);
-                Py_XDECREF(y);
-                Py_XDECREF(t);
-                lpx_delete_prob(lp);
-                return PyErr_NoMemory();
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['msg_lev'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "meth")) 
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)){
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_PRIMAL"))
+                        smcp.meth = GLP_PRIMAL;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_DUAL")) 
+                        smcp.meth = GLP_DUAL;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_DUALP")) 
+                        smcp.meth = GLP_DUALP;
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['meth'] with default value", 1);
+                }
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['meth'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "pricing"))
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)){
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_PT_STD"))
+                        smcp.pricing = GLP_PT_STD;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_PT_PSE")) 
+                        smcp.pricing = GLP_PT_PSE;
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['pricing'] with default value",
+                            1);
+                }
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['pricing'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "r_test"))
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)){
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_RT_STD"))
+                        smcp.r_test = GLP_RT_STD;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_RT_HAR")) 
+                        smcp.r_test = GLP_RT_HAR;
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['r_test'] with default value",
+                            1);
+                }
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['r_test'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "tol_bnd"))
+                if (PyFloat_Check(value))
+                    smcp.tol_bnd = PyFloat_AsDouble(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['tol_bnd'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "tol_dj"))
+                if (PyFloat_Check(value))
+                    smcp.tol_dj = PyFloat_AsDouble(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['tol_dj'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "tol_piv")) 
+                if (PyFloat_Check(value))
+                    smcp.tol_piv = PyFloat_AsDouble(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['tol_piv'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "obj_ll"))
+                if (PyFloat_Check(value))
+                    smcp.obj_ll = PyFloat_AsDouble(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['obj_ll'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "obj_ul"))
+                if (PyFloat_Check(value))
+                    smcp.obj_ul = PyFloat_AsDouble(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['obj_ul'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "it_lim"))
+                if (PYINT_CHECK(value)) 
+                    smcp.it_lim = PYINT_AS_LONG(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['it_lim'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "tm_lim"))
+                if (PYINT_CHECK(value)) 
+                    smcp.tm_lim = PYINT_AS_LONG(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['tm_lim'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "out_frq"))
+                if (PYINT_CHECK(value)) 
+                    smcp.out_frq = PYINT_AS_LONG(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['out_frq'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "out_dly"))
+                if (PYINT_CHECK(value)) 
+                    smcp.out_dly = PYINT_AS_LONG(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['out_dly'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "presolve")){
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)) {
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_ON"))
+                        smcp.presolve = GLP_ON;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_OFF")) 
+                        smcp.presolve = GLP_OFF;
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['presolve'] with default value",
+                            1);
+                }
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                        "glpk.options['presolve'] with default value", 1);
+        }    
-            PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
-                PyUnicode_FromString("optimal"));
-                PyString_FromString("optimal"));
-            for (i=0; i<n; i++)
-                MAT_BUFD(x)[i] = lpx_get_col_prim(lp, i+1);
-            PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 1, (PyObject *) x);
+    Py_DECREF(param);
-            for (i=0; i<m; i++)
-                MAT_BUFD(z)[i] = -lpx_get_row_dual(lp, i+1);
-            PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 2, (PyObject *) z);
+    switch (glp_simplex(lp, &smcp)){
-            if (A){
-                for (i=0; i<p; i++)
-                    MAT_BUFD(y)[i] = -lpx_get_row_dual(lp, m+i+1);
-                PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 3, (PyObject *) y);
+        case 0:
+            switch(glp_get_status(lp)){
+                case GLP_OPT:
+                    x = (matrix *) Matrix_New(n,1,DOUBLE);
+                    z = (matrix *) Matrix_New(m,1,DOUBLE);
+                    if (A) y = (matrix *) Matrix_New(p,1,DOUBLE);
+                    if (!x || !z || (A && !y)){
+                        Py_XDECREF(x);
+                        Py_XDECREF(z);
+                        Py_XDECREF(y);
+                        Py_XDECREF(t);
+                        glp_delete_prob(lp);
+                        return PyErr_NoMemory();
+                    }
+                    PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
+                        PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("optimal"));
+                    for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+                        MAT_BUFD(x)[i] = glp_get_col_prim(lp, i+1);
+                    PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 1, (PyObject *) x);
+                    for (i=0; i<m; i++)
+                        MAT_BUFD(z)[i] = -glp_get_row_dual(lp, i+1);
+                    PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 2, (PyObject *) z);
+                    if (A){
+                        for (i=0; i<p; i++)
+                            MAT_BUFD(y)[i] = -glp_get_row_dual(lp, m+i+1);
+                        PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 3, (PyObject *) y);
+                    }
+                    glp_delete_prob(lp);
+                    return (PyObject *) t;
+                    break;
+                case GLP_NOFEAS:
+                    PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
+                        PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("primal infeasible"));
+                    break;
+                case GLP_UNBND:
+                    PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
+                        PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("dual infeasible"));
+                    break;
+                default: 
+                    PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
+                        PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("unknown"));
+            break;
-            lpx_delete_prob(lp);
-            return (PyObject *) t;
-        case LPX_E_NOPFS:
+        case GLP_ENOPFS:
             PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
-                PyUnicode_FromString("primal infeasible"));
-                PyString_FromString("primal infeasible"));
+                PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("primal infeasible"));
-        case LPX_E_NODFS:
+        case GLP_ENODFS:
             PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
-                PyUnicode_FromString("dual infeasible"));
-                PyString_FromString("dual infeasible"));
+                PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("dual infeasible"));
             PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
-                PyUnicode_FromString("unknown"));
-                PyString_FromString("unknown"));
+                PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("unknown"));
-    lpx_delete_prob(lp);
+    glp_delete_prob(lp);
     PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 1, Py_BuildValue(""));
     PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 2, Py_BuildValue(""));
     if (A) PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 3, Py_BuildValue(""));
@@ -405,21 +437,25 @@ static char doc_integer[] =
     "    minimize    c'*x\n"
     "    subject to  G*x <= h\n"
     "                A*x = b\n"
-    "                x[I] are all integer\n"
-    "                x[B] are all binary\n\n"
+    "                x[k] is integer for k in I\n"
+    "                x[k] is binary for k in B\n\n"
     "c            nx1 dense 'd' matrix with n>=1\n\n"
     "G            mxn dense or sparse 'd' matrix with m>=1\n\n"
     "h            mx1 dense 'd' matrix\n\n"
     "A            pxn dense or sparse 'd' matrix with p>=0\n\n"
     "b            px1 dense 'd' matrix\n\n"
-    "I            set with indices of integer variables\n\n"
-    "B            set with indices of binary variables\n\n"
-    "status       'optimal', 'primal infeasible', 'dual infeasible', \n"
-    "             'invalid MIP formulation', 'maxiters exceeded', \n"
-    "             'time limit exceeded', 'unknown'\n\n"
-    "x            an optimal solution if status is 'optimal';\n"
-    "             None otherwise";
+    "I            set of indices of integer variables\n\n"
+    "B            set of indices of binary variables\n\n"
+    "status       if status is 'optimal', 'feasible', or 'undefined',\n"
+    "             a value of x is returned and the status string \n"
+    "             gives the status of x.  Other possible values of "
+    "             status are:  'invalid formulation', \n"
+    "             'infeasible problem', 'LP relaxation is primal \n"
+    "             infeasible', 'LP relaxation is dual infeasible', \n"
+    "             'unknown'.\n\n"
+    "x            a (sub-)optimal solution if status is 'optimal', \n"
+    "             'feasible', or 'undefined'.  None otherwise";
 static PyObject *integer(PyObject *self, PyObject *args,
     PyObject *kwrds)
@@ -427,16 +463,11 @@ static PyObject *integer(PyObject *self,
     matrix *c, *h, *b=NULL, *x=NULL;
     PyObject *G, *A=NULL, *IntSet=NULL, *BinSet = NULL;
     PyObject *t=NULL, *param, *key, *value;
-    LPX *lp;
-    int m, n, p, i, j, k, nnz, nnzmax, *rn=NULL, *cn=NULL, param_id;
+    glp_prob *lp;
+    glp_iocp iocp;
+    int m, n, p, i, j, k, nnz, nnzmax, *rn=NULL, *cn=NULL, info, status;
     int_t pos=0;
     double *a=NULL, val;
-    char param_type, err_str[100]; 
-    const char *keystr;
-    char *keystr;
     char *kwlist[] = {"c", "G", "h", "A", "b", "I", "B", NULL};
     if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwrds, "OOO|OOOO", kwlist, &c,
@@ -484,23 +515,23 @@ static PyObject *integer(PyObject *self,
     if ((IntSet) && (!PyAnySet_Check(IntSet)))
-      PY_ERR_TYPE("invalid integer index set");
+        PY_ERR_TYPE("invalid integer index set");
     if ((BinSet) && (!PyAnySet_Check(BinSet)))
-      PY_ERR_TYPE("invalid binary index set");
+        PY_ERR_TYPE("invalid binary index set");
-    lp = lpx_create_prob();
-    lpx_add_rows(lp, m+p);
-    lpx_add_cols(lp, n);
+    lp = glp_create_prob();
+    glp_add_rows(lp, m+p);
+    glp_add_cols(lp, n);
     for (i=0; i<n; i++){
-        lpx_set_obj_coef(lp, i+1, MAT_BUFD(c)[i]);
-        lpx_set_col_bnds(lp, i+1, LPX_FR, 0.0, 0.0);
+        glp_set_obj_coef(lp, i+1, MAT_BUFD(c)[i]);
+        glp_set_col_bnds(lp, i+1, GLP_FR, 0.0, 0.0);
     for (i=0; i<m; i++)
-        lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, i+1, LPX_UP, 0.0, MAT_BUFD(h)[i]);
+        glp_set_row_bnds(lp, i+1, GLP_UP, 0.0, MAT_BUFD(h)[i]);
     for (i=0; i<p; i++)
-        lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, i+m+1, LPX_FX, MAT_BUFD(b)[i],
+        glp_set_row_bnds(lp, i+m+1, GLP_FX, MAT_BUFD(b)[i],
     nnzmax = (SpMatrix_Check(G) ? SP_NNZ(G) : m*n ) +
@@ -509,7 +540,7 @@ static PyObject *integer(PyObject *self,
     rn = (int *) calloc(nnzmax+1, sizeof(int));
     cn = (int *) calloc(nnzmax+1, sizeof(int));
     if (!a || !rn || !cn){
-        free(a);  free(rn);  free(cn);  lpx_delete_prob(lp);
+        free(a);  free(rn);  free(cn);  glp_delete_prob(lp);
         return PyErr_NoMemory();
@@ -548,232 +579,399 @@ static PyObject *integer(PyObject *self,
-    lpx_load_matrix(lp, nnz, rn, cn, a);
+    glp_load_matrix(lp, nnz, rn, cn, a);
     free(rn);  free(cn);  free(a);
     if (!(t = PyTuple_New(2))) {
-        lpx_delete_prob(lp);
+        glp_delete_prob(lp);
         return PyErr_NoMemory();
     if (!(param = PyObject_GetAttrString(glpk_module, "options"))
         || !PyDict_Check(param)){
-            lpx_delete_prob(lp);
+            glp_delete_prob(lp);
                 "missing glpk.options dictionary");
             return NULL;
+    glp_init_iocp(&iocp);
     while (PyDict_Next(param, &pos, &key, &value))
-        if ((PyUnicode_Check(key)) && (keystr = PyUnicode_AS_DATA(key)) 
-            && get_param_idx(keystr, &param_id, &param_type)){
-        if ((keystr = PyString_AsString(key)) && get_param_idx(keystr,
-            &param_id, &param_type)){
-	    if (param_type == 'i'){
-	        if (!PyLong_Check(value)){
-	        if (!PyInt_Check(value)){
-                    sprintf(err_str, "invalid value for integer "
-                        "GLPK parameter: %-.20s", keystr);
-                    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, err_str);
-	            lpx_delete_prob(lp);
-	            Py_DECREF(param);
-                    return NULL;
-	        }
-                if (!strcmp("LPX_K_PRESOL", keystr) &&
-                    PyLong_AS_LONG(value) != 1){
-                    PyInt_AS_LONG(value) != 1){
-                    PyErr_Warn(PyExc_UserWarning, "ignoring value of "
-                        "GLPK parameter 'LPX_K_PRESOL'");
+        if (PYSTRING_CHECK(key)){
+            if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "msg_lev"))
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)){
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_MSG_OFF"))
+                        iocp.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_OFF;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_MSG_ERR")) 
+                        iocp.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_ERR;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_MSG_ON")) 
+                        iocp.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_ON;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_MSG_ALL")) 
+                        iocp.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_ALL;
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['msg_lev'] with default value", 
+                            1);
-                    lpx_set_int_parm(lp, param_id, PyLong_AS_LONG(value));
-                    lpx_set_int_parm(lp, param_id, PyInt_AS_LONG(value));
-	    }
-	    else {
-	        if (!PyLong_Check(value) && !PyFloat_Check(value)){
-	        if (!PyInt_Check(value) && !PyFloat_Check(value)){
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['msg_lev'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "br_tech")) 
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)){
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_BR_FFV"))
+                        iocp.br_tech= GLP_BR_FFV;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_BR_LFV")) 
+                        iocp.br_tech = GLP_BR_LFV;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_BR_MFV")) 
+                        iocp.br_tech = GLP_BR_MFV;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_BR_DTH")) 
+                        iocp.br_tech = GLP_BR_DTH;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_BR_PCH")) 
+                        iocp.br_tech = GLP_BR_PCH;
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['br_tech'] with default value", 
+                             1);
+                }
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['br_tech'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "bt_tech"))
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)){
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_BT_DFS"))
+                        iocp.bt_tech = GLP_BT_DFS;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_BT_BFS")) 
+                        iocp.bt_tech = GLP_BT_BFS;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_BT_BLB")) 
+                        iocp.bt_tech = GLP_BT_BLB;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_BT_BPH")) 
+                        iocp.bt_tech = GLP_BT_BPH;
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['bt_tech'] with default value",
+                            1);
+                }
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['bt_tech'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "pp_tech"))
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)){
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_PP_NONE"))
+                        iocp.pp_tech = GLP_PP_NONE;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_PP_ROOT")) 
+                        iocp.pp_tech = GLP_PP_ROOT;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_PP_ALL")) 
+                        iocp.pp_tech = GLP_PP_ALL;
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['pp_tech'] with default value",
+                            1);
+                }
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['pp_tech'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "fp_heur"))
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)){
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_ON"))
+                        iocp.fp_heur = GLP_ON;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_OFF")) 
+                        iocp.fp_heur = GLP_OFF;
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['fp_heur'] with default value",
+                            1);
+                }
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['fp_heur'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+#if 0
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "ps_heur"))
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)){
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_ON"))
+                        iocp.ps_heur = GLP_ON;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_OFF")) 
+                        iocp.ps_heur = GLP_OFF;
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['ps_heur'] with default value",
+                            1);
+                }
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['ps_heur'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "ps_tm_lim"))
+                if (PYINT_CHECK(value)) 
+                    iocp.ps_tm_lim = PYINT_AS_LONG(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                        "glpk.options['ps_tm_lim'] with default value", 1);
-                    sprintf(err_str, "invalid value for floating point "
-                        "GLPK parameter: %-.20s", keystr);
-                    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, err_str);
-	            lpx_delete_prob(lp);
-	            Py_DECREF(param);
-                    return NULL;
-	        }
-	        lpx_set_real_parm(lp, param_id,
-                    PyFloat_AsDouble(value));
-	    }
-    }
-    lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_PRESOL, 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "gmi_cuts"))
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)){
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_ON"))
+                        iocp.gmi_cuts = GLP_ON;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_OFF")) 
+                        iocp.gmi_cuts = GLP_OFF;
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['gmi_cuts'] with default value",
+                            1);
+                }
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                        "glpk.options['gmi_cuts'] with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "mir_cuts"))
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)){
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_ON"))
+                        iocp.mir_cuts = GLP_ON;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_OFF")) 
+                        iocp.mir_cuts = GLP_OFF;
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['mir_cuts'] with default value",
+                            1);
+                }
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                        "glpk.options['mir_cuts'] with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "cov_cuts"))
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)){
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_ON"))
+                        iocp.cov_cuts = GLP_ON;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_OFF")) 
+                        iocp.cov_cuts = GLP_OFF;
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['cov_cuts'] with default value",
+                            1);
+                }
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                        "glpk.options['cov_cuts'] with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "clq_cuts"))
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)){
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_ON"))
+                        iocp.clq_cuts = GLP_ON;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_OFF")) 
+                        iocp.clq_cuts = GLP_OFF;
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['clq_cuts'] with default value",
+                            1);
+                }
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                        "glpk.options['clq_cuts'] with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "tol_int"))
+                if (PyFloat_Check(value))
+                    iocp.tol_int = PyFloat_AsDouble(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['tol_int'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "tol_obj"))
+                if (PyFloat_Check(value))
+                    iocp.tol_obj = PyFloat_AsDouble(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['tol_obj'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "mip_gap"))
+                if (PyFloat_Check(value))
+                    iocp.mip_gap = PyFloat_AsDouble(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['mip_gap'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "tm_lim"))
+                if (PYINT_CHECK(value)) 
+                    iocp.tm_lim = PYINT_AS_LONG(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['tm_lim'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "out_frq"))
+                if (PYINT_CHECK(value)) 
+                    iocp.out_frq = PYINT_AS_LONG(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['out_frq'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "out_dly"))
+                if (PYINT_CHECK(value)) 
+                    iocp.out_dly = PYINT_AS_LONG(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['out_dly'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "glp_tree"))
+                PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['glp_tree'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "cb_info"))
+                PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['cb_info'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "cb_size"))
+                if (PYINT_CHECK(value)) 
+                    iocp.cb_size = PYINT_AS_LONG(value);
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing glpk.options['cb_size'] "
+                        "with default value", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "presolve"))
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)) {
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_ON"))
+                        iocp.presolve = GLP_ON;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_OFF")){
+                        iocp.presolve = GLP_ON;
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['presolve'] with GLP_ON", 1);
+                    }
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['presolve'] with GLP_ON", 1);
+                }
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                        "glpk.options['presolve'] with GLP_ON", 1);
+            else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(key, "binarize")) {
+                if (PYSTRING_CHECK(value)) {
+                    if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_ON"))
+                        iocp.binarize = GLP_ON;
+                    else if (!PYSTRING_COMPARE(value, "GLP_OFF")) 
+                        iocp.binarize = GLP_OFF;
+                    else 
+                        PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                            "glpk.options['binarize'] with default "
+                            "value", 1);
+                }
+                else 
+                    PyErr_WarnEx(NULL, "replacing "
+                        "glpk.options['binarize'] with default value", 1);
+            }
+        }
+    iocp.presolve = GLP_ON;
     if (IntSet) {
-      PyObject *iter = PySequence_Fast(IntSet, "Critical error: not sequence");
-      for (i=0; i<PySet_GET_SIZE(IntSet); i++) {
-	PyObject *tmp = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(iter, i);
-	if (!PyLong_Check(tmp)) {
-	if (!PyInt_Check(tmp)) {
-	  lpx_delete_prob(lp);
-	  Py_DECREF(iter);
-	  PY_ERR_TYPE("non-integer element in I");
-	}
-	int k = PyLong_AS_LONG(tmp);
-	int k = PyInt_AS_LONG(tmp);
-	if ((k < 0) || (k >= n)) {
-	  lpx_delete_prob(lp);
-	  Py_DECREF(iter);
-	  PY_ERR(PyExc_IndexError, "index element out of range in I");
-	}
-	glp_set_col_kind(lp, k+1, GLP_IV);
-      }
-      Py_DECREF(iter);
+        PyObject *iter = PySequence_Fast(IntSet, 
+            "Critical error: not sequence");
+        for (i=0; i<PySet_GET_SIZE(IntSet); i++) {
+            PyObject *tmp = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(iter, i);
+            if (!PYINT_CHECK(tmp)) {
+                glp_delete_prob(lp);
+                Py_DECREF(iter);
+                PY_ERR_TYPE("non-integer element in I");
+            }
+            int k = PYINT_AS_LONG(tmp);
+            if ((k < 0) || (k >= n)) {
+                 glp_delete_prob(lp);
+                 Py_DECREF(iter);
+                 PY_ERR(PyExc_IndexError, "index element out of range "
+                     "in I");
+            }
+            glp_set_col_kind(lp, k+1, GLP_IV);
+        }
+        Py_DECREF(iter);
-    if (BinSet) {
-      PyObject *iter = PySequence_Fast(BinSet, "Critical error: not sequence");
-      for (i=0; i<PySet_GET_SIZE(BinSet); i++) {
-	PyObject *tmp = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(iter, i);
-	if (!PyLong_Check(tmp)) {
-	if (!PyInt_Check(tmp)) {
-	  lpx_delete_prob(lp);
-	  Py_DECREF(iter);
-	  PY_ERR_TYPE("non-binary element in I");
-	}
-	int k = PyLong_AS_LONG(tmp);
-	int k = PyInt_AS_LONG(tmp);
-	if ((k < 0) || (k >= n)) {
-	  lpx_delete_prob(lp);
-	  Py_DECREF(iter);
-	  PY_ERR(PyExc_IndexError, "index element out of range in B");
-	}
-	glp_set_col_kind(lp, k+1, GLP_BV);
-      }
-      Py_DECREF(iter);
+    if (BinSet){
+        PyObject *iter = PySequence_Fast(BinSet, 
+            "Critical error: not sequence");
+        for (i=0; i<PySet_GET_SIZE(BinSet); i++) {
+            PyObject *tmp = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(iter, i);
+            if (!PYINT_CHECK(tmp)) {
+                glp_delete_prob(lp);
+                Py_DECREF(iter);
+                PY_ERR_TYPE("non-binary element in I");
+            }
+            int k = PYINT_AS_LONG(tmp);
+            if ((k < 0) || (k >= n)) {
+                glp_delete_prob(lp);
+                Py_DECREF(iter);
+                PY_ERR(PyExc_IndexError, 
+                    "index element out of range in B");
+	    }
+	    glp_set_col_kind(lp, k+1, GLP_BV);
+        }
+        Py_DECREF(iter);
+    info = glp_intopt(lp, &iocp);
+    status = glp_mip_status(lp);
+    switch (info){
-    switch (lpx_intopt(lp)){
-        case LPX_E_OK:
-            x = (matrix *) Matrix_New(n,1,DOUBLE);
-            if (!x) {
-                Py_XDECREF(t);
-                lpx_delete_prob(lp);
-                return PyErr_NoMemory();
+        case 0:
+        case GLP_EMIPGAP:
+        case GLP_ETMLIM:
+            switch(status){
+                case GLP_OPT:     /* x is optimal */
+                case GLP_FEAS:    /* x is integer feasible */
+                case GLP_UNDEF:   /* x is undefined */
+                    x = (matrix *) Matrix_New(n,1,DOUBLE);
+                    if (!x) {
+                        Py_XDECREF(t);
+                        glp_delete_prob(lp);
+                        return PyErr_NoMemory();
+                    }
+                    if (status == GLP_OPT)
+                        PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, 
+                            (PyObject *) PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("optimal"));
+                    else if (status == GLP_FEAS)
+                        PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, 
+                           (PyObject *)PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("feasible"));
+                    else 
+                        PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, 
+                           (PyObject *)PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("undefined"));
+                    for (i=0; i<n; i++)
+                        MAT_BUFD(x)[i] = glp_mip_col_val(lp, i+1);
+                    PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 1, (PyObject *) x);
+                    glp_delete_prob(lp);
+                    return (PyObject *) t;
+                    break;
+                case GLP_NOFEAS:
+                    PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
+                        PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("infeasible problem"));
+                    PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 1, Py_BuildValue(""));
+                    break;
+                default: 
+                    PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 1, Py_BuildValue(""));
+                    PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
+                        PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("unknown"));
-            PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
-                PyUnicode_FromString("optimal"));
-                PyString_FromString("optimal"));
-            for (i=0; i<n; i++)
-                MAT_BUFD(x)[i] = lpx_mip_col_val(lp, i+1);
-            PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 1, (PyObject *) x);
-            lpx_delete_prob(lp);
-            return (PyObject *) t;
+            break;
-        case LPX_E_FAULT:
-            PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
-                PyUnicode_FromString("invalid MIP formulation"));
-                PyString_FromString("invalid MIP formulation"));
+#if 0
+        case GLP_EBADB:
-	case LPX_E_NOPFS:
-            PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
-                PyUnicode_FromString("primal infeasible"));
-                PyString_FromString("primal infeasible"));
+        case GLP_ECOND:
-	case LPX_E_NODFS:
+        case GLP_EBOUND:
             PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
-                PyUnicode_FromString("dual infeasible"));
-                PyString_FromString("dual infeasible"));
-        case LPX_E_ITLIM:
+                PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("invalid MIP formulation"));
+            break;
+        case GLP_ENOPFS:
             PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
-                PyUnicode_FromString("maxiters exceeded"));
-                PyString_FromString("maxiters exceeded"));
-        case LPX_E_TMLIM:
+                PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("LP relaxation is primal infeasible"));
+            break;
+	case GLP_ENODFS:
             PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
-                PyUnicode_FromString("time limit exceeded"));
-                PyString_FromString("time limit exceeded"));
-	case LPX_E_SING:
+                PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("LP relaxation is dual infeasible"));
+            break;
+	case GLP_EFAIL:
             PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
-                PyUnicode_FromString("singular or ill-conditioned basis"));
-                PyString_FromString("singular or ill-conditioned basis"));
+                PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("solver failure"));
+            break;
+        case GLP_EROOT: /* only occurs if presolver is off */
+        case GLP_ESTOP: /* only occurs when advanced interface is used */
             PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 0, (PyObject *)
-                PyUnicode_FromString("unknown"));
-                PyString_FromString("unknown"));
+                PYSTRING_FROMSTRING("unknown"));
-    lpx_delete_prob(lp);
+    glp_delete_prob(lp);
     PyTuple_SET_ITEM(t, 1, Py_BuildValue(""));
     return (PyObject *) t;

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