The handling of this bug is really bad, nobody seems to care about it and it's 
broken now a long time.

I see two possible solutions for this issue. Either WebRTC in chromium should 
be fixed or it should be disabled in the Debian version of chromium. It simply 
doesn't make any sens to ship a chromium version with WebRTC enabled when it 
clearly doesn't work. This will just annoy users.

Of course the preferred way is to to fix the issue. I have proposed a patch in 
[1] by using the libsrtp shipped with chromium sources. I did verify this 
still works in chromium-41.
The other solution would be to find out what's broken with using the system 
(Debian) version of libsrtp and get a fix for this. My guess it that it has to 
do with the chromium sandbox and it's separation. I don't have the time and 
knowledge to debug this any further, so more debugging on this has to be done 
by someone else.

Luckily multistream support for WebRTC is arriving in Firefox, so hopefully 
soon I won't need chromium anymore.



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