On Wednesday 08 April 2015 04:01 PM, Tom Meumann wrote:
> Hi Ritesh,
> Okay will do sorry.
> I don't have any USB devices plugged in no, but you're right it does
> appear to be getting started through the udev rules and that's why so
> many instances are spawned.
> It also explains why it only tries to start the pm-utils module and no
> others (it's fed through as an argument from the udev rule).

No. The module that we call through udev is for runtime-pm. And that too
is triggered when we have the add or remove event generated, which
typically happens when you plug/unplug a USB device.

What does your dmesg look like ? does the kernel complain of any flaky
USB hub ?

> I'm not sure why so many udev events are spawned on boot.  I assume it's
> just the hardware coming online: I don't know if that is normal or not.

No. It is not normal.

> For now I've removed the udev rules from the system to see if that fixes
> my issue.  I'll get back to you shortly with the results.

That rule is important to LMT. LMT is triggered on kernel events. If
that rule is not present, you won't be able to act when some events are
triggered in the kernel, for hotplug devices.

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut.com
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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