Hello again,
I did manage to apply those two commits manually:
omitting a few lines related to some intermediate versions.
Forking is working correctly, the result is visualized in attached munin
grapph. I also attach the diff result.

Such modified client has been used on about 80 servers for over 2
months. The only problem I noticed is that if client run fails, the
stacktrace.out file only contains stacktrace from the parent process.
Child stacktrace is printed out to stderr (it's not included in logs,
visible only while executing the manual, single run). I've made some
custom modifications comparing files with chef 11.12, but I think the
result is not yet what we really expect. If you want to look at it,
please let me know.

If you decide to backport the package, I would suggest to add one small
feature (from newer versions) by chance - I really miss the file_edited?
method in Chef::Util::FileEdit. It's just one getter, the diff is also

Piotr Pańczyk


Asseco Business Solutions S.A.
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--- chef-10.12.0.orig/lib/chef/config.rb
+++ chef-10.12.0/lib/chef/config.rb
@@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ class Chef
     run_command_stdout_timeout 120
     solo  false
     splay nil
+    client_fork true
     # Set these to enable SSL authentication / mutual-authentication
     # with the server
--- chef-10.12.0.orig/lib/chef/daemon.rb
+++ chef-10.12.0/lib/chef/daemon.rb
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ class Chef
   class Daemon
     class << self
       attr_accessor :name
+      attr_accessor :forked_child
       # Daemonize the current process, managing pidfiles and process uid/gid
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ class Chef
             $stdout.reopen("/dev/null", "a")
-            at_exit { remove_pid_file }
+            at_exit { remove_pid_file unless forked_child }
           rescue NotImplementedError => e
             Chef::Application.fatal!("There is no fork: #{e.message}")
--- chef-10.12.0.orig/lib/chef/client.rb
+++ chef-10.12.0/lib/chef/client.rb
@@ -135,48 +135,29 @@ class Chef
     # Do a full run for this Chef::Client.  Calls:
+    # * do_run
-    #  * run_ohai - Collect information about the system
-    #  * build_node - Get the last known state, merge with local changes
-    #  * register - If not in solo mode, make sure the server knows about this client
-    #  * sync_cookbooks - If not in solo mode, populate the local cache with the node's cookbooks
-    #  * converge - Bring this system up to date
-    #
+    # This provides a wrapper around #do_run allowing the 
+    # run to be optionally forked.
     # === Returns
-    # true:: Always returns true.
+    # boolean:: Return value from #do_run. Should always returns true.
     def run
-      run_context = nil
-      Chef::Log.info("*** Chef #{Chef::VERSION} ***")
-      enforce_path_sanity
-      run_ohai
-      register unless Chef::Config[:solo]
-      build_node
-      begin
-        run_status.start_clock
-        Chef::Log.info("Starting Chef Run for #{node.name}")
-        run_started
-        run_context = setup_run_context
-        converge(run_context)
-        save_updated_node
-        run_status.stop_clock
-        Chef::Log.info("Chef Run complete in #{run_status.elapsed_time} seconds")
-        run_completed_successfully
+      if(Chef::Config[:client_fork] && Process.respond_to?(:fork))
+        Chef::Log.info "Forking chef instance to converge..."
+        pid = fork do
+          Chef::Daemon.forked_child = true
+          Chef::Log.info "Forked instance now converging"
+          do_run
+          exit
+        end
+        Chef::Log.info "Fork successful. Waiting for new chef pid: #{pid}"
+        result = Process.waitpid2(pid)
+        raise "Forked convergence run failed" unless result.last.success?
+        Chef::Log.info "Forked child successfully reaped (pid: #{pid})"
-      rescue Exception => e
-        run_status.stop_clock
-        run_status.exception = e
-        run_failed
-        Chef::Log.debug("Re-raising exception: #{e.class} - #{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n  ")}")
-        raise
-      ensure
-        run_status = nil
+      else
+        do_run
-      true
@@ -333,6 +314,50 @@ class Chef
+    # Do a full run for this Chef::Client.  Calls:
+    #
+    #  * run_ohai - Collect information about the system
+    #  * build_node - Get the last known state, merge with local changes
+    #  * register - If not in solo mode, make sure the server knows about this client
+    #  * sync_cookbooks - If not in solo mode, populate the local cache with the node's cookbooks
+    #  * converge - Bring this system up to date
+    #
+    # === Returns
+    # true:: Always returns true.
+    def do_run
+      run_context = nil
+      Chef::Log.info("*** Chef #{Chef::VERSION} ***")
+      enforce_path_sanity
+      run_ohai
+      register unless Chef::Config[:solo]
+      build_node
+      begin
+        run_status.start_clock
+        Chef::Log.info("Starting Chef Run for #{node.name}")
+        run_started
+        run_context = setup_run_context
+        converge(run_context)
+        save_updated_node
+        run_status.stop_clock
+        Chef::Log.info("Chef Run complete in #{run_status.elapsed_time} seconds")
+        run_completed_successfully
+        true
+      rescue Exception => e
+        run_status.stop_clock
+        run_status.exception = e
+        run_failed
+        Chef::Log.debug("Re-raising exception: #{e.class} - #{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n  ")}")
+        raise
+      ensure
+        run_status = nil
+      end
+      true
+    end
     # Ensures runlist override contains RunListItem instances
     def runlist_override_sanity_check!
       @override_runlist = @override_runlist.split(',') if @override_runlist.is_a?(String)
--- chef-10.12.0.orig/lib/chef/application/client.rb
+++ chef-10.12.0/lib/chef/application/client.rb
@@ -153,6 +153,12 @@ class Chef::Application::Client < Chef::
+  option :client_fork,
+    :short        => "-f",
+    :long         => "--[no-]fork",
+    :description  => "Fork client",
+    :boolean      => true
   attr_reader :chef_client_json
   def initialize
--- chef-10.12.0.orig/lib/chef/application/solo.rb
+++ chef-10.12.0/lib/chef/application/solo.rb
@@ -122,6 +122,12 @@ class Chef::Application::Solo < Chef::Ap
+  option :client_fork,
+    :short        => "-f",
+    :long         => "--[no-]fork",
+    :description  => "Fork client",
+    :boolean      => true
   attr_reader :chef_solo_json
   def initialize
--- chef-10.12.0.orig/lib/chef/util/file_edit.rb
+++ chef-10.12.0/lib/chef/util/file_edit.rb
@@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ class Chef
         raise ArgumentError, "File is blank" unless (@contents = File.new(@original_pathname).readlines).length > 0
+      # return if file has been edited
+      def file_edited?
+        @file_edited
+      end
       #search the file line by line and match each line with the given regex
       #if matched, replace the whole line with newline.
       def search_file_replace_line(regex, newline)

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