
The pgbadger latest release can always be found here:

To install it just proceed as follow:

|    tar xzf pgbadger-7.1.tar.gz
|||    |cd pgbadger-7.1/
|||    |perl Makefile.PL
|||    |make
|||    |sudo make install

It will mainly just copy the pgbadger script into /usr/local/bin/ which
mean that you can also proceed as follow:

||    |cd pgbadger-7.1/
|||    |sudo cp pgbadger /usr/local/bin/

Apparently it is hard to follow the pgbadger community and having an up
to date Debian package, even after 15 releases an more than 2 years. But
this is something that I can understand, spare time is not something
easy to find, so I vote for a complete remove of this package from the
official Debian repository, otherwise the issue will probably still
available next time.

Best regards,

GPL tools at http://www.darold.net/
(squidclamav - sendmailanalyzer - ora2pg - modproxyhtml - pgCluu
squidguardmgr - sysusage - squidanalyzer - pgbadger - pgformatter)

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