❦ 11 août 2015 00:20 +0200, Vincent Bernat <ber...@debian.org> :

> Well, half of the time I spend on packaging of python-netaddr is on
> those IEEE files. They change their locations, they get new lintian
> _errors_, they are tiresome. Why is it an error and not just an
> information?
> If I start generating those files at install time, I am pretty sure that
> I will get bug because I am generating files outside of /var, because I
> don't purge them appropriately, because they are not regenerated when
> ieee-data is updated or stuff like that. Building them at compile time
> is a fine alternative. The package gets updated about one time per year
> and the data is refreshed at this moment.

This last paragraph may sound a bit harsh. I am sorry for that. I just
consider that this shouldn't be a Lintian error. Not even a warning.
There's small choice in rotten apples.
                -- William Shakespeare, "The Taming of the Shrew"

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