On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Gianfranco Costamagna
<costamagnagianfra...@yahoo.it> wrote:

>>Looking at the policy I think it is better to document this in
>>debian/copyright. I like to document why I remove files from the
>>original source.
> but you didn't remove them anymore, right?
> anyway, let me know your solution :)
> (looks e.g. to Files-Excluded copyright feature)
@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@ Format:
Upstream-Name: libharu
Upstream-Contact: libh...@googlegroups.com
Files-Excluded: demo/pngsuite win32 demo/*.pdf demo/ttfont demo/type1
+Comment: These files are removed from the upstream archive:
+ demo/pngsuite: non dfsg-free license
+ demo/type1: fonts already in package gsfonts
+ demo/ttfont: font already in package ttf-dustin
+ demo/*.pdf: binary files
+ win32/: binary files and/or unneeded files for debian build
Files: *
Copyright: 1999-2006, Takeshi Kanno
diff --git a/debian/readme.source b/debian/readme.source
deleted file mode 100644

I do remove them now. Not in the previous release where the tarball
was made with make dist (vs github snapshot now).

>>Strictly speaking both are not necessary when you build the package
>>the first time, however, when you rebuild a source package after
>>building a binary package (or when using eg git-buildpackage) it will
>>complain that these files have changed compared to the version in the
> I know this so well, the question is:
> isn't something like
> $ cat debian/clean
> _configs.sed
> include/hpdf_config.h
> include/hpdf_version.h
> more elegant that the patch itself?
I tried this but reverted: I still get errors when rebuilding.
Probably the best solution would be to use the debian/clean file and
add these files to Files-Excluded in d/copyright (since I'm
repackaging anyway). Then there would be no difference.
For this release I prefer keeping the patches and not changing my
source tarball.

I've uploaded a new package with these changes and the
multiarch-fields in d/control

Kind Regards,

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