On Sat, 15 Aug 2015 at 13:05:19 +0200, Joachim Reichel wrote:
> Attached is the diff for 4.6.1-2. Several build depends have not yet made the
> transition:
> level 3: gmp (791053)

This is believed to not need a transition.

> level 5: qtbase-opensource-src (794518)

This is believed to not need a transition. It needed sourceful changes
to build successfully, but those have been done.

> level 6: libqglviewer, boost

libqglviewer does not appear to need a transition: its only mention of
std::string is in a source file, not a header, and it does not export
any cxx11 symbols.

boost was one of the first few transitions started: Boost 1.55 is
the old ABI, Boost 1.58 is the new ABI.

So I think this part of the transition can start now?


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