Version: 1.11.2+dfsg-1
Severity: normal

Hello Team members,
While investigating the failing tests of rasterio in sid on
armhf/armel [1,2] I tried doing the same command using ogr2ogr:

ogr2ogr new.geojson test.geojson   -t_srs epsg:4326 -f GeoJSON -wrapdateline
ERROR 1: vector::_M_fill_insert
ERROR 1: vector::_M_fill_insert
ERROR 1: vector::_M_fill_insert
ERROR 1: vector::_M_fill_insert

The same error is encountered. This error comes from C++ so I assume
it is related to the libstdc++ transition. Moreover, if I build
rasterio on stretch the error does not occur (and the ogr2ogr command
works fine).


Attachment: test.geojson
Description: Binary data

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