Control: reassign -1 src:linux 4.1.6-1

Hi Steve,

(I'm adding in Cc the initial reporter and Lennart who also replied.)

Steve <> (2015-09-02):
> Package: installation-reports
> Followup-For: Bug #796096
> Dear Maintainer,
>  I also can confirm this bug, the latest Debian Strech 2 iso (as of today) has
> a bug in related to USB device recognition. After booting the installer iso, 
> in
> Grub menu you can still select the install option, but after that point onward
> the installer do not recognize my Wireless Logitech K520 keyboard+mouse set
> which has a nano size USB receiver, while if I connect a regular wired mouse
> into any or the same USB slot it works and I can continue the installation.
>  This device worked fine with Debian 8.1 install iso and with 6 other distros
> for me.
> Ps.: I love Debian 9 and KDE5 as it is. You guys are awesome. I just switched
> from Windows after 25 years.... just a week ago.

Looking at linux mainline, I see commits adding support for new Logitech
devices (e.g. M560) in the following file: drivers/hid/hid-logitech-hidpp.c

Checking the generated logitech modules, it seems hid-logitech-hidpp.ko
is not (yet) included in the input-modules udeb:

(sid-amd64-devel)kibi@wodi:~/hack/linux.git$ apt-file search logitech|grep 
ko$|grep -- -2-amd64|grep -v dbg

I'm therefore reassigning this bug report to the linux kernel.

Looking at the history of the said file, it seems the hidpp module was
first introduced in v3.19, so some generic code in the logitech module
(or elsewhere) might have been working fine in Jessie, which would then
explain your successful 8.1 experience.


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