Greetings!  Following the link you reference, it appears that I do not
need to export this variable, right?  Debhelper is at a later version in

    The package would not become immediately reproducible with this
    solution though because it does not use dh in debian/rules but
    instead classic debhelper. Because of that $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH has
    to be exported in debian/rules [3]
Setting the variable

Debhelper (as of 9.20150628.0~reproducible3, see commit and bug) exports this 
variable during its build, so if you are using debhelper you don't
(in theory) need to do anything extra.

CDBS (as of, see commit and bug) exports this variable 
during its build.

As a last resort to be avoided where possible, package maintainers may set and 
export this variable manually in debian/rules:

export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH = $(shell date -d "$$(dpkg-parsechangelog -SDate)" +%s)

Take care,
Camm Maguire                              
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah

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