On Mon, 31 Mar 2014 20:24:28 +0200 Ralf Jung <p...@ralfj.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> > Hm, true. Completely missed that bit.
> > Somehow systemctl enable|disable only outputs the symlinks
> > created|created by Alias= but not WantedBy=
> > 
> > I guess this more accurately describes the bug, right?
> Correct.

Looking at this bug again, this is actually an issue in update-rc.d.

We first call update-rc.d foo enable|disable if there is a matching sysv
init script.
update-rc.d then goes on and *also* handles the WantedBy= symlinks, and
does so silently.

If update-rc.d is called by systemctl, it should probably *not* process
the .service file and only handle the sysv init script.

The reason why update-rc.d has (limited) support for .service files is,
that it's not guaranteed that systemctl is always available and we
wanted to make sure the state is kept in sync.

We should rework this integration:

- If systemctl is installed and systemctl calls update-rc.d, update-rc.d
should *not* process the native .service file
- If systemctl is installed and the user runs update-rc.d foo
disable|enable, update-rc.d should call systemctl.
- If systemctl is not installed and the user runs update-rc.d, the
fallback in update-rc.d to process .service files should be called.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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