On 2015-12-11 08:20 +0100, Adam Borowski wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 07:17:43PM -0800, Nigra Truo wrote:
>> That does not work neither unfortunately. I installed the proprietary
>> driver and now X crashes. At least the whole machine does not crash, but I
>> can open a Desktop, KDE or Gnome, then open an app, maximize the window and
>> I get a prompt crash.
> Oif.  I'm afraid I can't help you further here -- I'm a mere user when it
> comes to X drivers.  I could help with installing a newer version or an
> alternate driver, but for more, we need actual driver guys :(

Problem is, there is no such person in Debian for the nouveau driver.

>> The unability to get logs in the Kernel Panic is a huge problem, I can't
>> believe that this his still not solved, that there is no automatic
>> mechanism, to at least see what caused the panic or, for the matter,
>> logging that ANY panic has occurred. Right now, the most serious of errors
>> does not have any accounting whatsoever.
> When the kernel panics, most of its facilities are considered dead.  Doing
> something as complex as a filesystem write would require temporarily
> ignoring the panic, with a huge risk of data corruption.  A generally pretty
> bad idea.
> Thus, you'd need to pass the remaining piece of the log somehow.  Ways to do
> so include:
> * a serial console.  My main desktop box happens to include a real serial
>   port, but that's sadly a rarity for modern machines these days.  There are
>   USB connectors which you could use to pass the logs from your laptop to
>   another machine.
> * kdump.  This keeps a whole secondary kernel in memory which takes over
>   during a crash and can do a post-mortem on the primary kernel which just
>   panicked.
> * some way over the network.  User-mode syslog won't work but there are
>   kernel-based ones, google says netdump.

The best choice is actually netconsole, see
https://mraw.org/blog/2010/11/08/Debugging_using_netconsole/ and
Documentation/networking/netconsole.txt in the kernel source.


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