Hi all.

On 19/01/16 22:01, Mehdi Dogguy wrote:
> > I am one of the active consumers of dose-builddebcheck in unstable and
> > quickly noticed the 4.1 upload by seeing all rebootstrap jobs fail. The
> > immediate reason is that dose was formerly tagging source packages with
> > a "src:" prefix and now no longer does so. I quickly updated the
> > consumer code, but Johannes asked me to file a bug nonetheless.
> > 
> Good catch. I /think/ that this change is not intended and is a bug since
> some places in the code still expect the "src:" prefix to be there somehow.
> Since printers have been reworked in 4.1, I'd think this is a bug introduced
> in 4.1 and still not fixed in recently released 4.2. I'd appreciate a
> confirmation by upstream though.
> @Pietro: Can you please enlighten us on this issue?

This change was indeed intentional. The idea was to remove all the
cruft related to the cudf encoding and provide to the user an output
that could be used immediately without caring about src: and --virtual
prefixes.  I've asked Johannes is this was a problem and I was told it
wasn't as the scripts could be easily adapted.

This change was in the CHANGES file of 4.1 but its repercussions
where not clear, so it didn't make it in the NEWS file. I think
this would be fixed in the next debian package.

Even if this change makes sense to me, I'm open to add back the src: 
prefix if necessary. 

Mehdi, where are these places in the code that still expect "src:" ?
I've removed this prefix from all the yaml output. I didn't really
check if some input require the package to be prefixed with "src:",
but it shouldn't be...

For this release, I also re-wrote the yaml printer from scratch and
there might still be a few problems here and there... In particular
dependency chains, when there is more then one path from a package to
a dependency problem (missing package or conflict), are not all
explicitly printed/expanded as before. Instead I just print one path.

Please let me know how I can help. This tool is for the debian
community :) I'll be at fosdem at the end of the month, if you want to
have a face to face chat.


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