I'm surprised this still isn't fixed; on a Debian stable (Jessie/8) system
with ethtool installed, /etc/network/routes does not work and I traced the
problem to the 00check-network-cable script having a bug relative to

If ethtool is installed 00check-network-cable tries to run it, generates an
invalid variable and the entire chain of scripts in /etc/network/if-up.d

The fix I have implemented locally is to change line 72:

local LINK=$($ETHTOOL "$IFACE" 2>&1 | grep "Link detected"|| :)


local LINK="$($ETHTOOL $IFACE 2>&1 | grep 'Link detected'|| :)"

which alleviates the problem with the leading space and the bad variable
name. Note that $IFACE doesn't seem to need quotes. If you wanted to be
particular I guess ${IFACE} might be sufficient or this could be fixed in
some other way.

But this is a terrible bug to have been allowed into a Debian stable
release; since this isn't a security bug is probably never going to be
fixed until the NEXT stable release!

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