On 24/02/2016 18:49, Nikolaus Rath wrote:
> On Feb 24 2016, Carl Chenet <cha...@debian.org> wrote:
>> - First please Nikolau, spare me the "I don't believe Debian developers
>> blablabla", this try to patronize me is offending. Don't like the script
>> and you think it should not be in Debian or even exist? Fine, let's
>> discuss about it.
> [..]
>> - I'm really aware it is a simple script, but I was not aware that the
>> "simple is beautiful" motto was dead. 47 lines so? You want to refuse
>> any program with line numbers <= bigvalue? That's a weird argument.
>> - The script makes the job for me. It is simple, dead simple and suits a
>> usecase , my use case, and, moreover, it is a really early release.
>> Buggy? It's not perfect, It does not pretend to. But it will improve, as
>> any other free software project.
> Alright. In your opinion, what should be the standard for getting
> something packaged into Debian?
> I think it's hard to draw a line, but it's not hard to see that
> ftpbackup is on the wrong side of it.
> There is no minimum number of lines of code in a package, but that
> doesn't mean that any 47 line script needs to be packaged. There is no
> requirement for packages to be bug-free, but that doesn't mean that
> quality is not a criterion.
> The fact that the script does the job *for you*, and is indeed *dead
> simple* are actually arguments *against* packaging it. Your private
> script doesn't need to be in Debian, nor we need something that is
> dead-simple yet still extremely fragile (you will not even get a
> notification if some files couldn't be backed up).
> So please, Carl and ftpmasters, don't put this into Debian. 


Following this discussion on debian-devel, I realize the program is not
ready to integrate Debian and so I requested ftpmasters to remove it
from the archive.

Thanks for the feedbacks to all participants,
Carl Chenet

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