2013-03-29 08:33 Sjoerd Simons:
On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 11:32:51AM -0800, Christoph Egger wrote:

Christoph Egger <christ...@debian.org> writes:
> Daniel Hartwig <mand...@gmail.com> writes:
>> On 22 November 2012 03:36, Christoph Egger <christ...@debian.org> wrote:

It's also easily reproducible with a `mk-build-dep` in
empathy/experimental and isntalling aptitude in a minimal chroot, dpkg
-i the build-dep and have aptitude [1] resolve it

[1] aptitude -y --without-recommends -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold -o 
Aptitude::CmdLine::Ignore-Trust-Violations=false -o Aptitude::ProblemResolver::StepScore=100 -o 
Aptitude::ProblemResolver::SolutionCost="safety, priority, non-default-versions" -o 
Aptitude::ProblemResolver::Hints::KeepDummy="reject empathy-build-deps :UNINST" -o 
Aptitude::ProblemResolver::Keep-All-Level=55000 -o 
Aptitude::ProblemResolver::Remove-Essential-Level=maximum install empathy-build-deps

I used this method to reproduce the issue for current gnome-shell/experimental.
The trigger seems to be the usage of non-default-versions in the SolutionCost,
using the default ("safety, priority") like e.g. pbuilder does results in
aptitude successfully finding a solution.

Note for future handling of this bug:

#418385 contains some hint on the use of -y that prevents some "cutoff"
measures to kick in, affecting pbuilder.

Not sure if it's related or not, but just a note to explore in the

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montez...@gmail.com>

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