also sprach John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> 
[2016-05-30 22:19 +0200]:
> I'm sorry, but this is a very bad argument. People who are in
> charge of hundreds of systems almost never use the default
> settings but use something like FAI, …

In this case: agreed. In general, I just wanted to point out that
a head count in Debian never translates to number of systems.

> It's honestly very frustrating to read bug reports like these as
> they are usually written by people who lack the necessary
> background or refuse to accept that their particular use case is
> not the common use case. And I have more the impression that these
> bug reports are merely written to stir up emotions because, again,
> the systemd developers dared to touch something in the Linux
> software stack which has not been touch for years while solving
> yet another long-existing problem.

I disagree with your assessment. At least for my part, I am
a systemd supporter, especially after having seen the great work our
Debian packagers have done.

However, this does not mean I have to agree with every change that
systemd is imposing, and as I wrote in my original message,
Unix/Linux has become successful (also) *because* it doesn't just
break with tradition, but adheres to standards and doesn't surprise

The proposed default might very well be what our users want, but we
have no way of knowing and until we do, we should refrain from
making invasive changes, whether in the systemd ecosystem or
anywhere else.

As such, I appreciate that Martin reverted the default and I trust
that the debian-systemd team will find a solution suitable for the
universal operating system.

> A reasonable person wouldn't even mind about such changes.

I am sure you didn't mean to call everyone unreasonable who minds
about this change.

> They would either just disable the feature completely or use the
> provided mechanisms to white-list individual processes which takes
> less time than writing up such a bug report and stirring up
> emotions.

We are Debian developers. We love what we do and we cherrish our
product. We do not satisfy ourselves with hacks, or turn a blind eye
to problems, and I hope that will never change.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"although occasionally there is something to be said for solitude."
                                        -- special agent dale cooper

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