
On 07/25/2016 03:16 AM, micror...@gmail.com wrote:
> Setting 'usev6' for a host in ddclient.conf poisons subsequent hosts.
> http://sources.debian.net/src/ddclient/3.8.3-1.1/ddclient/#L867

good catch!

> This part of the code turns on the $ivp6 flag and leaves it on for the
> rest of the hosts associated with the same service. It's not until it
> gets to the next service that it resets $ipv6 on line 860.
> I have an IPv4 hostname that comes alphabetically after an IPv6
> hostname, so could you move the `my $ipv6 = 0` down to, say, line 866?

that sounds like you are able to change that locally on your system. If
you did, did that fix the problem?
If not, I can build an experimental package for you to evaluate that
change. Unfortunately, I don't currently have a testing system with iPv6

Greetings, Torsten

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