Guillem Jover <> writes:

> I noticed this bug report some time ago, but I've got bothered enough
> now to try to move it forward. And I've turned the above description
> and the below "patch"…


> …into a git formatted patch (against current master). But because
> I've actually reworded things a bit, and I feel like I've actually put
> words in Russ' mouth, I'd rather you'd take a look before considering
> forwarding it upstream! I'll also very happily defer if you'd want to
> do that yourself!

Thanks for doing this!  As the other bug reporter, very happy to have you
forward this upstream.  I haven't had a lot of time recently to chase
things like this, and have a huge backlog, so happy to encourage others to
push such things forward.  Everything in the patch looked good to me.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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