
No: If the "--upgrade" command-line option is provided, the Orthanc server
will never start. If no upgrade is required, this is a void operation that
returns immediately.

I would have thought so. However, why does this script: [...]
producing the following log ? [...]

        Running </usr/sbin/Orthanc --upgrade --trace /etc/orthanc/>
        W1229 13:29:01.755332 main.cpp:1238] Orthanc version: 1.2.0
        W1229 13:29:01.755559 main.cpp:1095] Performance warning: Non-release 
build, runtime debug assertions are turned on
        I1229 13:29:01.934832 DicomServer.cpp:63] DICOM server started

Anything I am doing wrong here ?

Sorry, my mistake: Preventing Orthanc from starting after an upgrade of the database schema was on my TODO list... it is not implemented yet. I have just added an issue on the upstream bug tracker to avoid forgetting it:

This feature will be part of forthcoming 1.2.1 release.


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